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Best Lizard Pets – Can We Have Lizards as Pets?

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Lizards belong to the squamate reptiles group. For beginner folks who are fond of exotic pets like lizards, bearded dragon and geckos make best lizard pets. More than 6,000 species of lizards exists across all continents except Antartica and many oceanic island chains.  Lizards have three lineages, the geckos, anoles, and chameleons.

It is paraphyletic and does not include the other squamates like Amphisbaenia and snakes. Most lizards are quadrupled, running with a strong side-to-side motion. Others are legless and have long snake-like bodies.

Some such as the forest-dwelling Draco lizards are able to glide.  Lizards are mainly carnivorous, often being sit-and-wait predators; many smaller species eat insects, while the Komodo eats mammals as big as water buffalo.

Types Of Lizards

1) Panther Chameleon




Panther chameleon is a reptile where the male version is larger and can reach about 17 inches in length. Some specimens have been seen to be reaching up to 22 inches. Females are a little smaller at 10 to 14 inches.

Due to their aggressive nature, it is called by this name. It emits that hissing sound when angry. The panther chameleon changes colours depends on its mood. Its bite is extremely painful thought does not cause harm to human lives.

2) Veiled Chameleon




The weight of the male is 100-200 grams, whereas the female of the species weighs between 90-120 grams. The male veiled chameleon is between 17 to 24 inches in length. The females are much smaller in size, with a length reaching between 10 and 14 inches.

When stressed, these reptiles display strong colouration, including bright yellow and at times, even black.It is normally not advised to keep a Veiled Chameleon at a house for the reason that it can cause high stress thereby resulting in higher illness risk and premature death.

3) Flap-Necked Chameleon

The Flap-neck is a good beginners species, and at 25-30cm is an easily manageable size. Flapneck Chameleons are normally found in Africa. A flap neck chameleon can shoot its tongue out as far as the length of its own body.

It does this at a speed of around three-hundredths of a second. While these chameleons have teeth and strong jaws, their bites do not usually cause serious wounds to human beings but it is a small menace for owners.

4)  Leopard Gecko




The size of Leopard geckos is 6.5 to 8.4 cm (2.6 to 3.3 in) in length and weighing about 3 grams while the adult geckos are about 20.5 to 27.5 cm (8.1 to 10.8 in) in length and weight about 45 to 65 grams.

The eyes of Geckos’ are 350 times more sensitive to light than human eyes. Most geckos species are nocturnal, and they are particularly well-adapted to hunting in the dark. Generally, leopard gecko lives in deserts and grasslands mostly.

As a house pet, it bites very occasionally but however, it can bite hard during illness or stress. Leopard gecko is not a transmitter of diseases.

5) Komodo Dragon




It is one of the largest lizards in the world. The largest verified specimen has a length of 10.3 feet (3.13 meters) and weighs 366 pounds (166 kilograms). The largest wild dragons more typically weigh about 154 pounds (70 kilograms).

Its bite can cause fatalities because it carries high venom in its sharp teeth. Although it is occasionally heard to kill humans its bite/s are curable.

6) Northern Alligator Lizard




These lizards are medium-sized slender lizards. Adults reach a snout-to-vent length of about 10 cm (3.9 in) and a total length of roughly 27.5 cm (10.8 in).

Alligator lizards are fairly aggressive and will threaten individuals with an open mouth, and might bite whenever they are picked up. Majorly, northern alligator lizards are terrestrial. Nevertheless, it can even climb well on trees and low bushes.

Through using its lengthy prehensile tail, it gets that big added strength to climb skillfully through branches in a hang-on position. The hanging position is possible for it since it is able to find new gripping areas for its feet.

7) Knight Anole

This species of lizard belongs to the Polychrotidae family and the largest species within the anole (Anolis) genus. It grows to a length of 13 to 20 in (33 to 51 cm) including the tail. A few species also have grown up to 24 inches (61 cm).

Most knight anoles do not adapt well to captive conditions readily. It is often noted that the female Knight Anoles are very dangerous towards their owners and it can cause intensely painful bites that can draw heavy blood from the human body

8) Mangrove Monitor




Mangrove monitors are between75 to 120 cm in length. Its weight is between 500 g to 1900 g. A special feature of this monitor is that it possesses the ability to greatly increase the size of the mouth by spreading the hyoid apparatus and dropping the lower jaw in order to eat large prey.

Careful handling of this lizard will not cause big effects. Infants or children must never be exposed since these lizards although calm might get stressed if tampered and strike painful bites.

9)  Rhinoceros Iguana




Rhinoceros Iguana varies in length from 60 to 136 centimeters (24 to 54 in). Most adults weigh 4.56 kilograms (10.1 lb) to 9 kilograms (20 lb). Males are larger than females. The head-bob is used by the rhinoceros iguanas to communicate with one another.

The Rhinoceros Iguana can be extremely aggressive and must be carefully handled while training since it can cause a great deal of pain to the human beings once they are bitten by it. In most cases, the bites do not turn really fatal.

10) Water Monitor




The water monitor is a large species of monitor lizard.  Males grow to a level of 40 cm (16 in) long and weigh 1 kg (2.2 lb), and females at 50 cm (20 in). Males tend to grow more than females.

They can cause painful bites and scratches, and also can kill a human. However, monitors can be readily tamed in captivity. They live solitarily and the young are extremely secretive and rarely seen.

11) Satanic Leaf Tailed Gecko




An adult gecko is generally 3 cm to 6 cm long including their tail. At times it can be up to 9cm. The body weight is 10 g – 30g. Satanic leaf-tailed geckos will even hang from branches to look like a leaf curling away from a stem.

They are even called a master of disguise. The bites of a satanic leaf-tailed gecko are benign in nature and do not cause big effects.

12) African Fat-Tailed Gecko




The length of an African fat-tailed gecko is around 7-9 inches in height (18-23cm) with females, slightly shorter than males. Mostly, the African fat-tailed gecko does not bite. It bites occasionally and does not cause lethal effects.

Fat-Tailed Geckos store their fat in their tails, making them proportionally larger than the rest of their bodies, hence their name.

13) Horned Lizard




A female horned lizard grows in larger sizes than males: Females average about 7 cm (about 2.75 inches) from snout to vent, with a maximum total length of about 15 cm (about 6 inches), and weigh about 18 g; whereas males have an SVL of only about 5 cm (about 2 inches), and weigh on the average about 10 g.

Short-horned Lizards will shoot blood from their eyes when threatened by a predator. It is a very rare occurrence that a horned lizard bites humans and mostly it is not fatal except that the latter might experience mild symptoms.

14) Frilled Lizard




Frilled lizards are noted to live mainly in north coastal Australia and extreme southern New Guinea. This lizard is a member of the Agamidae family. Sailfin dragon is the biggest lizard in this family and frilled lizards are the next in the order.

The normal body length of a male Australian frilled lizard can be 3 feet whereas the length of New Guinea frilled lizards is over 2 feet. The frilled lizards can weigh up to 1.1 pounds. Frilled lizards only bark and do not bite.

They do not bear venom and are not harmful to humans.

15) Jackson’s Chameleon




Yellow-crested Jackson’s chameleon babies are normally 3 to 4 inches in length. Adult females are typically 7 to 8 inches in length while the males are 8 to 10 inches. Some male chameleons can be almost one-foot.

Healthy adults living in captivity can weigh up to 1 to 1.5 Kg, but the average weight of wild Jackson’s chameleons is lower due to lower availability of food sources in the wild. Jackson’s chameleons are usually called as “3-horned chameleons”.

Since the males have three brown horns: one on the nose and one on top of every superior orbital ridge on top of the eyes. Generally, the bite of Jackson’s chameleon can cause reasonable pain to humans but not detrimental.

16) Desert Iguana




The desert iguanas reach about 16 inches (40 cm) STL, with their SVL at about 4-5 inches (10-12.7 cm). Desert iguanas in its youth stage can reach up to a weight of 100 g. They have the capacity to survive even in temperatures of 46°C.

Desert iguanas have weak venomous glands and it is rarely heard to have bitten people. They can indeed cause big injuries to the body of humans on their face, ankles, fingers, and wrists.

It is not advised to grow desert iguanas at home because it is aggressive and prefers to live only in big open places like deserts, fields etc.

17) Galapagos Land Iguana




Galapagos Land Iguanas grow up to 1 m (3.3 ft) in length and their body weight can be a maximum of 13 kg (25 lbs). These Iguanas are listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN’s Red List(the International Union for Conservation of Nature).

18) Eastern Fence Lizard




The adult size ranges from 4 to 7 inches in length. There is a limited probability that they may bite but still, they not cause very severe effects on human beings. It is only if they are harassed, they will bite but this is a rarity.

Fence lizards have a big liking for pine trees and so they are even called as pine lizard. MB 11/16.

19) Crested Gecko




The crested geckos are usually 8 inches in length with the snout-to-vent length being 4.5 inches. When they reach adulthood, in their 15 to 18 months of age their weight could be around 35 grams.

To highlight an interesting fact about this creature is that its skin projection above the eyes look like eyelids, but those are not their eyelids. Since they do not have eyelids they lick their eyes with their tongue to clean the eyes.

Small geckos are non-venomous and harmless to humans. Medium to large geckos may bite if they are irritated. The bite will not be harsh enough to pierce the human skin.

20) Bearded Dragon




Bearded dragons normally are 12 to 24 inches in length, the tail included. The length of a bearded dragon is based on the nature of its species, its health, diet and sex type. Bearded dragons average 18-22 inches from snout to tip of the tail.

Average weight is about 10-18 ounces. Males are mostly bigger than females. When compared to other lizard species, bearded dragons have a continuous breeding cycle throughout the year.

It is only when they are handled roughly or terrified that the bearded dragons bite humans and cause a painful injury. However, the venom is not harmful to humans and it is best that the latter wash off the injured spot/s completely to avoid infection.

21) Argentine Tegu




Tegu is a large lizard and normally seen to grow up to a length of 4 feet. The average length is 2 ½ to 4 feet.

The weight of a Tegu is approximately 50 pounds. Argentine black and white tegus can be good interior designers because they can rearrange the furniture in their enclosures in line with its wishes.

It is best advised to keep fewer decorative items like plants, large rocks, etc) in the homes. Based on how it is handled by the humans, Argentine Tego will react accordingly in terms of biting. It will show rough behaviour and attack.

22) Argus Monitor




The size of an Argus monitor differs between the males and females. The females can be an average of three feet whereas the male counterpart might be up to 4–5 feet. The weight of an Argus Monitor can be up to 300 lb.

They consume an incredible level of food at one meal, from fish and birds to rodents and even others of their own kind.Argus Monitor is unique because they can stand in a tripod position i.e., using their hind feet and their tail, while being in danger or during the search for a prey.

If not properly handled, they will bite the humans and cause considerable pain but are not lethal.

23) Common House Geckos




Common House geckos usually grow in the range of 3 to 6 inches and look pretty small in size. They do not have any venom and are not dangerous to human beings. Medium-sized and large-sized geckos could bite only if it is disturbed.

The bite will be mild and does not tear the skin. It is also called as the house lizard or wall lizard since it is only seen in houses and they are mainly active only during the night.

24) Monitor Lizards




An adult monitor lizard can be from 20 cm (7.9 in) in some species to more than 3 m (10 ft). Its weight can reach up to 300 lb. Natural enemies of monitor lizards are large wild cats,  snakes, and humans.

All lizards belonging to the monitor lizard species can give severe pain to the affected through its powerful bites. Monitors are generally mentioned to have that strength of crushing out the human bones.

The monitor lizards, apart from causing big problems to the bone and related tissues and the skin through its bites, can cause intense effects like excessive bleeding and swelling because of the high venom it has and injected during its bites.

Lizard Facts

  • There is evidence that Lizards have been on Earth for more than 200 million years. It is believed that some of them used to be as large as the dinosaurs.
  • It is believed that 6263 lizard species live worldwide and two species are only poisonous by nature, namely: Gila monster (Heloderma suspected) and the Mexican beaded lizard (Heloderma horridum)
  • The largest species is the Komodo Dragon. It can grow to a size of up to 10 feet. The smallest species are just a couple of centimetres long.
  • Lizards live everywhere in the world except in Antarctica.
  • There are species of Lizards that can change colours due to their mood and not just due to the environment.
  • Only some species of Lizards lay eggs.
  • All species of Lizards are cold-blooded creatures.
  • Lizards grow their entire lives. They will shed their skin when they need to grow more.
  • The Chameleon is able to change the colour of the body. This allows it to have a method of hiding from predators as it will blend into the surroundings.
  • Lizards wish to spend a lot of time in the sunlight.
  • Lizards squirt blood from their eyes to protect themselves from the predators or when they feel that there is some kind of threat. They can do this with the help of “horns” which are present near their eyes. The blood squirted from the eyes can go for a distance up to 4 feet.
  • People get confused by imagining some species of lizards to be snakes as the former has legs, that resemble a snake. The legs of such lizard species are very miniscule in size and invisible to the eyes or it’s possible that they might not have legs. The key points for a person to exactly know whether he/she is looking at a lizard or snake is to observe if the animal has eyelids and external ears. In case if it is locatable, it is only a lizard.
  • Most species of Lizards are amazing climbers. The Gecko is the fastest climber of all of them. Some of the species are able to run upside down as well as backward at very fast speeds
  • Lizards are able to conserve water with excreting salt. When water is in short supply they will do this often and have a white residue on the body.
  • It is possible for the teeth of a Lizard to be replaced throughout their life. There are a few species though that don’t do this.

Natural History Of Lizards





Lizards have diapsid skulls. Diapsid skulls have two temporal openings i.e. two holes in the yellow area of the skull.

They have the capacity of moving their upper jaw in relation to their can move their upper jaw relative to the braincase, a part of the skull that contains the brain.

Lizards have horny scales and it is noted that many lizard species utilize this venom for either defending itself or attacking others. Snakes, tuatara, and crocodiles also have diapsid skulls





Lizards have either pleurodont or acrodont dentition. In pleurodont dentition, the teeth arise from a one-sided groove. In acrodont dentition, the teeth are attached directly to the jaw bone.





Lizards may be oviparous (egg laying) or viviparous (live-bearing) Oviparous reptiles lay amniotic eggs. Amniotic eggs have a hard shell which protects the embryo, and a special membrane to prevent the embryo from drying out.

Lizards are also oviparous.  Snakes, Turtles, crocodiles, and tuatara are all oviparous. Viviparous reptiles give birth to live young. Certain lizard and snake species are viviparous.

Evolution of Lizards




Lizards can be classed under the Suborder Lacertilla in the Order Squamata (the scaled reptiles) group of reptiles. Squamates come under the monophyletic category and they are a subgroup to the Tuatara.

Based on analysis of its fossil record, Squamates lived in the Mesozoic era. However, they managed to find a small place for living in the land and became a part of the ecological system.

The first three lines of Squamates amongst the six lines were recorded to be existing in the Upper Jurassic phase of the geologic period while the remaining three lived in the Cretaceous period. It is most likely that all lizards inclusive of snakes had existed and lived during the Jurassic geologic period.

Mosasaurs that lived in the Upper Cretaceous geologic period was considered as the most powerful lizards amongst the entire species of lizards during that time in its ecosystem and was the fiercest predator.

Lizards and snakes are not real clades in spite of both having an individualistic appearance. It is a historical fact that snakes are a descendant of ancient lizards. Snakes and Lizards belong to the family of Squamata, which is a monophyletic clade.

Toxicodera is another subgroup that is a part of the monophyletic clade. The Toxicodera comprises various non-venomous and venomous reptile species.

Strangest Lizards

There are many strange lizards in the world such as Gila Monsters, Red-Eyed Crocodile Skink, Agama Lizards, Thorny Dragon, Homed Lizard etc. It is a widely stated opinion that the weirdest of lizards can be those like:

Komodo Dragon




Komodo Dragon is a lizard that is found on the Komodo island of Indonesia. It is the largest living lizard species that can grow up to 3m and has an average weight of 70kg. They are carnivorous with 60 teeth and blood-tinged venomous saliva.

They attack humans. Their scaly rugged hide makes them look just like your house lizard, only larger.

Marine Iguana




The Marine Iguanas, spread across the Galapagos archipelago repulsed Darwin, who called them ‘imps of darkness’, describing them as ‘disgusting clumsy Lizards’ that are ‘as black as the porous rocks over which they crawl’.

These lizards grow 200-340mm and weigh 1-13 kg. They are considered the most peculiar lizard in the world because they live on the rocky beaches and dive as deep as 9m into cold water.

This is possible because it has a diet of algae due to which it scrapes off rocks with its flat jaws.

Galapagos Land Iguana




Galapagos Land Iguanas have a yellowish orange beneath, and of a brownish-red colour above: from their low facial angle. Their appearance is very dirty.

They can grow to 1-1.5m, and weigh 11 kg and stay on volcanic rocks in the Galapagos Islands, mainly Fernandina, Isabela, Santa Cruz, North Seymour, Baltra, and South Plaza.

The 5000-10,000 remaining lizards are herbivorous, though some are opportunistic carnivores snacking on small pests or carrion.

Sailfin Water Lizard




These lizards can grow up to a maximum of 1m in length. They love to swim in rivers and live near them. This creature is omnivorous by nature and only likes small animals.

With their sail-like structure on the tails and their crests, they appear very Mesozoic. The male lizards in this lizard species appear in either violet or red or blue colour.

Flying Gecko




Flying Gecko is normally seen in Southeast Asian nations like Thailand, Myanmar, etc. They are arboreal lizards with flaps that help them generate lift and control fall.

The height of this species of lizard is generally below 20 cm. It is good in camouflaging with its cryptic colouration and membranes.

Two-headed Bobtail Lizard




This lizard is called as a tardy and drowsy lizard and its length can be somewhere between 26 to 31 cm. The real head of the Two-Headed Bobtail Lizard has a blue tongue – being a blue-tongued skink – and the other ‘head’, i.e. its stumpy tail resembles its face.

This kind of body structure of a two-headed Bobtail Lizard can easily fox the predators and mainly with the back legs closer to the tail of its elongated body.

Fantastic Leaf-Tailed Gecko




Satanic Leaf Tail Gecko is the nickname or other name used for calling the Fantastic Leaf-Tailed Gecko. The length of its body is between 6.6 cm to 15 cm.

The appearance of this lizard to others is that it has a flat body that is almost similar to that of a dried and decaying leaf and the body colour is akin to that of a withered leaf.

This is one of the strangest lizards notably on a global scale that has excellent camouflaging skills. These lizards are commonly found in the forests of the Madagascar Island in Africa.

Frilled Lizard




The Frilled Lizard is seen in northern Australia and southern New Guinea. It has a similar frill around its neck, though its large ruff of skin is quite colourful.

If you find it in front of you with its mouth opening, frill spread and body raised, displaying the bright colours, remember it is more scared than you are. This lizard is 85 cm in height and mostly lives on the trees.

Armadillo Girdled Lizard




The Armadillo Girdled Lizard is one of the peculiar lizards and it appears in Pokemon cartoon shows. Even now, these lizards are found across South Africa.

The general appearance of this lizard can be stated as a body length, that can measure between 7.5-9 cm and the body colour is either light or dark brown. It is due to this colour that Armadillo is even called as a golden armadillo.

Normally, these lizards are noted for habitat on the crevices and rock cracks. It is very difficult to be located. However, in case if you happen to notice them, they will become fearful.

Following this, they will curl their tail into a ball-like shape and then take the tail into their mouth, where their thick and squarish scales will give them that protection.

Dwarf Gecko




Dwarf Lizard is notable in Madagascar Islands in Africa, with its length varying from 14mm to a maximum of 29mm, depending on species. It was only in 2012, this species was first findable with the Brookesia Micra being the smallest and found during the same year.

They can climb leaves and branches, and have heads larger than the bodies.

Are Lizards Dangerous?

Lizards do not cause big fatalities except for the intense pain in individuals. Lizards going around the home, gardens, and yards can bite rarely when people try to catch the reptiles in their hands to remove them from homes or yards.

This approach can be dangerous, as the lizard will attack. Though most lizards have small teeth, they can easily pierce the skin.L izards can be trapped by placing a flower pot or other container over it and then sliding a piece of cardboard beneath to keep it confined.

When lizards do bite, thoroughly clean the wound and seek medical assistance. Although a large number of lizards are non-venomous, some species can cause big reactions in humans.

The only poisonous lizard in the world is the Heloderma, also called the Gila monster and beaded lizard. It’s found in large numbers near the Gila River in the southwestern United States.

The wall lizard or gecko, notable in many homes do not have any venomous effect at all. It only checks insect population

Lizards As Pets (Mention About Lizard Fish)

Generally, it is recommended for users to use the following lizards as pets because of convenience and some other factors:

Bearded Dragons




Also called as beardies, they hail from Australia. It has an overall popularity on a global basis and considered as the very best species to grow as a pet lizard, currently.

Bearded dragons are one of the rare-to-find and most tranquil and friendly lizards. It is not unusual for particularly tame ones to feel so confident and comfortable in their owner’s presence that they can fall asleep on their owner’s lap!

Apart from the other salient qualities, Beardies even grows to a good size. This is the ideal lizard if you want a lizard that is big enough and can be handled easily and safely alongside being big for keeping in a spare room.

It can grow to a height of 30 inches long  (body) with a tail that could even be of the same range. This may sound large, but in actuality, they’re the perfect size for a tame lizard that you can handle.

Leopard Geckos




Leopard geckos are quite tardy and peaceful by nature. So it will move happily from one of your hands to the other. These are hardy lizards and so the owners of this pet can feel really comfortable to grow them.

They are also smaller in size comparatively, maybe in its complete adult size, just 8 to 10 inches in length. You can easily set them up in a naturalistic desert-style vivarium and enjoy their behaviour.

Crested Gecko




Crested geckos do have sticky toe pads. Fortunately though as a decent-sized lizard they are typically quite slow and docile and are one of the few gecko species that can be safely handled at home without risk of loss.

Unlike many of the other species mentioned here, crested geckos are mainly arboreal, which means they like to climb about their tank on branches and through foliage.

That said, these are really good-looking lizards and their appearance alone is often enough to make them “the” lizard that a beginner wants, and hence makes all the added expense and hassle well worthwhile!





Uromastyx is one of those lizard species that loves to bond with its owner and this quality makes it be a very lovable pet. They also live almost exclusively on plant-matter which helps to make them easy to accommodate in the home.

Blue-Tongued Skink




Blue-tongued skink lizard has a deep blue tongue which is shown out to scare the predators. This species of lizard originates in Australia and can grow up to a size of 35-50cm and so it is regarded as one of the lengthiest lizards.

Although these creatures have a dreadful look, they are quiet and can be tamed down well.

Red Ackie




This is a real dwarf small monitor with straightforward care requirements. In case if you are in need of a pet monitor, this is the best lizard.

It has an impressive skin colour and resembles those little dragons. These lizards can be a real joy to watch out and to take care.

Ackies can be held on a daily basis and usually tame very well. Ackies can be fed every other day and will accept a variety of foods including crickets and pinky mice.

Lizard Fish




This is an attractive lizard species mainly found in the deep sea waters. Although it is petty sized and holds that advantage of removing rodents from the house is not normally advocated as a home pet.

This is because it is aggressive wherein its bite can cause severe effects on human beings. Very rarely, you can find people growing a lizardfish.

Cost Of Pet Lizards

There are various shapes and sizes of pet lizards that are available in the market. The common pet lizards are the common house gecko, iguana and the Komodo dragon.

The reason as to why these lizards are liked by many lizard lovers is due to their unique skills and lifestyles.

The cost of various lizards 

Prices vary depending on the season (each species hatches at the same time of year), rarity, temperament, and patterns. Uniquely patterned lizards sell for more, as do “hand tamed” ones.

Gecko comes under the reptile family and it has a tiny appearance that can easily sit on the palm of the hand. Normally this lizard displays an amicable character.

This lizard can be bought for a price that can be in the range of $6 up to a maximum of $250. It is mentionable that the Global Gecko Association gives care sheets to the owners of pet lizards such as Leopard Gecko and the common Day Gecko.

Green Iguana is also one of the widely noticeable pet lizards that are grown in many houses. It can grow up to 6 feet. This lizard is available for purchase either at the pet stores or even doable via a website (online). The price tag range is from $15 to $35.

Some special breeds of lizards are even much expensive. The purchase price of a Cyclura Iguana can be from $250 and even reach $600. It is observed that the sale price of a pair of Satanic Leaftail Gecko in the pet market is $250.

The selling price of certain fascinating lizards such as Bearded Dragons and Chameleons in the market could start from some hundreds of dollars and might also extend up to the range of thousands.

Stunning Reptile Gardens In USA, UK, India

Stunning Reptile Gardens In USA

Stunning Reptile Gardens In India

  • Reptile Garden in Chandrapur, Maharashtra state
  • Reptile House in Hyderabad, Telangana state
  • Mysore Super Reptile Corporation in Bengaluru, Karnataka state

Stunning Reptile Gardens In UK

  • The Beaver Zoological Gardens & Reptile Rescue Ltd is a reptile bank in Tatsfield, near Westerham
  • New Forest Reptile Centre at Lyndhurst
  • Cotswold Wildlife Park and Gardens at Burford

Shows On Lizards

Lizard Guys




The Lizard Guys, a subsidiary company of Juniors’ Venture, Inc, and is based in New Jersey. It is an education-related entertainment organization. It was formed for the purpose of giving live presentations of animals like lizards, various bugs, turtles, frogs and snakes for its clientele.

The normal time taken for doing a live presentation of the stated animals is between 45 to 60 minutes.  Normally, one-by-one style of allowing each person in the audience to view this animal is followed.

The said process will be done by a member of the Lizard Guys presentation team. He will hold the animal and explain its origin, life expectancy, diet and also answers for other related questions that are asked.

Lizard Guys indulged in 2003 into the job of doing presentations with live animals as said earlier. So far, it has given 30,000 presentations to a different number of clients.

The clientele ranges from scouts, camps, daycares, children & adults of all ages at birthday parties and special occasions. The company has insurance and permits for presentations in New York and New Jersey.

Austin Reptile Shows




Austin Reptile Shows is located in Texas state. It is an educational and infotainment company that conducts shows and presentations on reptiles.

The reptile shows are conducted for various kinds of clients starting from schools, house birthday functions, other related events like parties, libraries, scout groups etc  The programs are conducted anywhere in Texas where the travel fees are also included.

These educational shows are prepared based on TEKS aligned content and the company definitely asserts that your kids will be learning valuable lessons. These hands-on shows feature a variety of live reptiles from around the world.

Scheduling additional shows on the same day are also arranged to cover multiple groups at a discount. The fees charged for conducting these shows differs from one user group to the other based on various tariffs.

Custom programs are also conducted for after-school activities, camps, and even special programs.  Shows must be scheduled on the same day to receive a discount.

The live reptiles will be brought to the respective location of the client to present information in the most exciting manner. The topics covered will range from reptile traits, natural history, adaptations, conservation to reptiles’ role in the environment.

These captivating presentations are designed to dazzle students while covering important grade-appropriate information with:

  • TEKS coverage
  • Variety of live reptiles for an up-close and personal experience
  • Engaging discussion
  • Age-appropriate content
  • Fascinating reptile facts

There are some programs where the company provides hands-on time experience with the reptiles.

Special presentations can be tailored to fit specific lessons. Presentation size, duration and number of animals can be adjusted to fit your needs.

Safari Science Centre




Safari Science Centre has various branches operating across the USA like Oakville, Mississauga, Milton, Burlington, Etobicoke, Toronto, Hamilton and surrounding area. They involve in conducting reptile shows at several places.

The objective of this company is to provide an enjoyable learning experience. The working style of Safari is a blend of using universal interests with a wide variety of delivery techniques.

Universal interests make the programs relatable to the group. Every group is unique, and their universal interests are something that the company gets adapted to.

There are a wide variety of delivery techniques and there are infinite ways to deliver knowledge and experiences. Some examples can be given as: speaking, acting, interacting, moving, playing, singing, and experimenting.

Creating programs is a highly creative process, and the result is a highly engaging learning experience, that really works and gets the kids interested.

At Safari Science, a lot of the programs include hands-on interaction with live animals, science experiments and hands-on making projects. Each type of experience is a really fun, but when a little drama, a little music, some fun and games are added to the mix, that’s when the experience really comes to life.

For families, day camps, birthday parties, classes and special events are conducted at the Safari Science centre. Families are given real importance. Making moments for families is a praiseworthy note that can be kept about Safari Science.

From a birthday party, you’ll never forget a class that inspired your child’s future career, that they love. For schools, teachers get ample support to the existing work that they perform in their classroom. Learning is a fun and exciting experience for students.

Support is offered to the teachers in schools by providing something that they may not have easy access to or to simply add a new perspective on a topic.

The more ways students can learn and engage in a learning experience the better they become. One of the prime aims of this company is to help teachers to fully engage themselves and educate their students in a fun and memorable way.

Safari Science was created to help parents and teachers engage the children in their lives with the amazing world that we all live in. Learning through entertainment mode is given and this will also be valuable in motivating the next generation of leaders.


Handling Lizards And Associated Risks

There are numerous health benefits for human beings through consuming lizards as the latter is known to have good nutritious and medicinal value.

Advantages of eating lizards:




  • Provide energy
  • Enhance stamina
  • Cure epilepsy
  • Heal skin disease
  • Prevent asthma disease attack
  • Prevent gland disorder
  • Promote flatulence
  • Remove the stiffness caused by the muscle
  • Cure acne
  • Fight cancer
  • Role in curing digestive problems
  • Prevent stroke
  • Cure Hemorrhoid
  • Ensure long life

Risks of growing lizards




Although lizards have an exotic appearance and other salient features, they can also carry and transmit a range of germs to humans. The effect of this will be the occurrence of illness in small children, pregnant women, the elderly and people with a serious disease such as cancer.

It is generally advised that people who have children below the age of five must not grow reptiles like lizards at home. Various diseases that are most likely to be inflicting humans through growing lizards at the house are:

  • Salmonella
  • Botulism
  • Campylobacteriosis (a bowel infection)
  • Leptospirosis (a liver disease)
  • Trichinellosis (a disease of muscles, the nervous system and the heart and lungs)

Some of the diseases caused by keeping reptiles such as lizards at home are majorly treatable, however, it cannot be ruled that a few are very serious to cure.

That said the risk for most people keeping reptiles does not pose a significant health risk, as long as proper hygiene is maintained.

Lizard Bite

Normally, a lizard bites humans when they involve in catching the reptiles with own hands so as to eliminate it from the home or yard. Lizards will most likely attack when a person involves in this activity.

Lizards have that power to tear the skin of people although it only possesses a small teeth structure.

Diseases caused by Lizard Bite:

It is recommended to all people to show more care while involving in catching of pests despite the statement that lizards occasionally bite.

Instead of using bare hands, methods like keeping a flower pot or other container over lizards are best advised to trap the lizards. A cardboard piece can be placed beneath that area to cease the movement of the lizard.

The first thing to do after a lizard bite is to do a complete cleaning of the bitten area and go to a doctor for further treatment. Although the fact stays that most of the lizards do not bear venom in their body, a select few species might be venomous and its bite can severely inflict humans.

Diseases caused by lizard bites are salmonella infection resulting in diarrhoea, fever, headache, stomach cramps, dehydration, sweating and ringing in the ears.

Severe diseases like Botulism and illnesses such as campylobacteriosis (a bowel infection), leptospirosis (a liver disease), trichinellosis (a disease of muscles, the nervous system and the heart and lungs) are also caused.


Although lizards do not have an aggressive behaviour, people tend to become disturbed when they see it moving in the living area or garden area of their home.

Excellent maintenance of yard and sanitation will prove to be effective remedies for homes to stop the entry of lizards.

The major spots that facilitate lizards to reside secretly are lawn equipment, sheds to brush piles and excess debris. Once you clear its shelter or residing areas, the lizards would most likely be unable to bite people living in the respective houses.

Importance of Lizards to the Environment and Humans

For the Environment:




Reptiles like lizards also perform a key ecological role. Actually, the lizard has the important role in keeping environmental balance by acting in the food chain of an area.

Lizard is commonly predators of certain insects and bug which is harmful to plant and human. They consume pest on the field and are also a key constituent of the food webs in most ecosystems.

They play the crucial role of a predator for insects and are a prey for birds, snakes, and other animals. The extinction of lizards will cause the highly probable adverse effects on the entire food chain. Reptiles can largely control the population of pests and rodents.

Crocodiles and alligators also prevent overpopulation of fish species in coastal regions and wetlands, which is pivotal in keeping these aquatic ecosystems healthy and balanced.

Reptiles strike quickly to subdue their prey. For any reptile, a rotting carcass or carrion is an easy meal. Reptiles like Komodo Dragon is one amongst the several organisms that can clear dead animals from the environment.

For Human Beings:




Lizards are also necessary for human beings since it has good medicinal value. They have been around since the time of the dinosaurs and from that time onwards, several species have become extinct but lizards have survived with the environment.

Lizards work as a biological pest control and helpful for farmers. Monitor lizards are main polyphagous predators of field rats. Local people in many parts of India protect the monitor lizards because they knew its importance in controlling the menace of snakes.

Some herbivorous lizard species can be valuable seed dispersers, more specifically on Island Habitats. Reptile scales are considered fashionable in many cultures and they are used accordingly in such societies. Lizards consume the mosquitoes that move around in the home.

How To Get A Lizard Out Of Your House?

  • Ensure that the house is in a tidy condition.
  • Remove any open or leftover food kept around in the house.
  • Expose problematic areas.
  • Try to bring a cat since it loves to eat lizards.
  • Use eggshells.
  • Make sure your house is completely closed so that lizards do not gain entry.
  • Use homemade pepper spray and spread it at all the corners of the house.
  • Use Glue Traps.

How Long Do Lizards Live?

The size of lizards ranges from 1”(Tiny Gecko) to 3.45m(Komodo dragon). Small lizards have a lifespan of about 3 to 5 years and the larger ones from 5-15 years. Some larger lizards may live up to 20 years.


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