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Popular Micro Fishes: The Petite and Lively Beauties for Your Tank

Popular Micro Fishes
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 Photo by Delbery Pagayona from Unsplash

Fish come in all shapes and sizes, from the majestic big fish you find in the ocean to the vibrant, tiny ones we keep in our aquariums. Regardless of the size of these fish, it is always a pleasure to watch them in their habitat. So, are you looking to purchase a micro fish? This article contains some of the most popular micro fishes you can find as well as a few tips you can use to make a healthy habitat for them.

Benefits of Owning a Micro fish


Micro fishes are tiny freshwater fish that do not typically exceed one to three inches in length. Many fish enthusiasts love them for their aquariums because they do not require much space. Also, micro fishes are stunning. They have vibrant colors, dynamic patterns, and varying personalities.

Suitable for Novice and Professional Fish Enthusiasts

Despite their size, micro fishes are usually hardy and can adapt to various water conditions. This means they are easy to take care of, which is why they are a perfect fish choice for beginners and seasoned fish owners.

Peaceful Fishes

Micro fishes are usually peaceful and tend to get along with other non-aggressive fishes. Therefore, they are perfect for community tanks because they can coexist with other aquatic creatures. With micro fishes, you can create a diverse ecosystem in your aquarium.

Popular Micro Fish Species:

Find below, some of the most popular micro fish species you can find:

Chili Rasbora (Boraras brigittae)

Chili Rasbora, as their name suggests, are fiery red fish that originate from the blackwater streams of Borneo. As juveniles, they are much paler. However, if you take proper care of them, their stunning bright red color displays after about six months.

Chili Rasbora is one of the smallest fish on this list, with one growing up to 0.8 inches (2 cm) in length.

Due to the size of this fish, it is a good idea to buy at least 10 Chili Rasbora and place them with green plants in the tank to bring out their color. 

The best temperature for these fish ranges between 68°F and 83°F (20°C and 28.3°C), and the water pH should be anywhere from 4.0 to 7.0.

When it comes to feeding, give them small, high-quality foods like crushed flakes, daphnia, and baby brine shrimp.

Glowlight Tetra (Hemigrammus erythrozonus)

Glowlight Tetras are incredible freshwater schooling fish. These Tetra species are known for their translucent bodies. They are also known for their scales, which have a stunning glow when under bright light, hence the name “Glowlight Tetras.”

The Glowlight Tetra is native to the Essequibo River in Guyana and grows as big as 3 inches (7.6 cm). You can find this fish in various colors, but the most popular fish are the ones mixed with red and blue.

Caring for Glowlight Tetras is relatively straightforward, which is why they are perfect for beginners. All you need to do is set up a well-planted tank that has a lot of hiding spots and gentle water flow. 

Furthermore, keep in mind that water temperatures should be around 74°F and 82°F (23.3°C and 27.7°C), and the pH range around 6.0 to 7.5. 

Lastly, note that Glowlight Tetras are sensitive to water quality, so ensure to maintain your tank at all times.

Panda Guppy (Poecilia reticulata)

The Panda Guppy, a fish native to South America, is a specially bred variant of the wild Guppy. One thing that makes this fish stand out is that they are livebearers, meaning they have their young live. This fish typically grows to around 2.5 inches (6 cm), with males usually being smaller than females.

Panda Guppies usually have blue, black, and silver colors and are quite known for being able to breed readily.

Unlike other Guppies, Panda Guppies are quite hardy, so you can raise them in various conditions. That said, they prefer water with higher pH levels of 7.0 to 8.0 and water temperatures of 72°F and 79°F (22.2°C and 26.1°C)

Additionally, you can feed them easily, and they eat at all levels, including the bottom of the tank. So, you do not need to worry about getting a bottom feeder.

Pygmy Hatchetfish (Carnegiella myersi)

Pygmy Hatchetfish are magnificent, gentle schooling fish. These fish are extremely peaceful and can live with other fish as long as they are not bothered. If you do plan on creating an interspecies ecosystem, you should consider including other peaceful fish like Corydoras.

Pygmy Hatchetfish are native to the Amazon River basin in Peru and grow to a maximum size of 1 inch (2.54 cm). That said, they typically stay around 0.8 inches (2 cm). 

The optimal water conditions for these fish are temperatures around 74.3°F and 79.7°F (23.5°C and 26.5°C) and pH levels between 4.8 to 6.4.

These fish enjoy swimming at top of the tank, so if you decide to get them, be sure to keep a lid over your aquarium because they might try to jump out. Also, you need to keep them in a school of at least six other fish to ensure they enjoy shoaling. 

Ensure that water in the tank is still at all times because a high water current can stress the fish. 

Pygym Hatchetfish are insectivores, meaning they eat small insects. So, you can feed them bloodworms or dried insects.

How to Create the Best Micro Fish Habitat?

Choosing Tank Size

When it comes to micro fishes, tank size matters. Fortunately, micro fishes are small and do not require that much space. 

Nevertheless, this does not mean you should get a tiny tank. They still need space to swim and explore. Consider buying a 10-gallon tank. That said, you can go bigger if you want.

Mimic Their Natural Environment

Micro fishes thrive in their natural environment. Hence, try and do all you can to mimic this environment. Include live plants, rocks, and driftwood, which will act as hiding spots or just areas for your fish to explore.

Monitor Water Conditions

Water conditions are essential for the well-being of all fish. Thus, ensure you maintain stable water parameters. Consider getting a quality filtration system so that you can monitor the parameter frequently. Also, be sure to change the water in the tank regularly, so your fish stay healthy.

Provide a Nutrient-rich Diet

Micro fish thrive when given a varied diet. So, you should be giving your fish a combination of flake foods, live or frozen foods, and micro pellets. All these will help to preserve your fish and provide them with the necessary energy for growth.


Owning micro fishes can be exciting and getting to watch the tiny creatures swim around is a mesmerizing experience. 

However, with so many species, you might find it challenging to pick one for yourself. Using this article, you can make an informed decision on what fish you want and how to take care of it.

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