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What Sounds Do Cats Hate? Sounds To Scare Cats Away

What Sounds Do Cats Hate?
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Can you imagine nails scratching on a smooth surface? Did you shudder with an uneasiness? In short, there are a lot of sounds we humans cannot stand. That is not the case with cats. Cats are extremely sensitive to certain sounds.

But what sounds?

Let’s learn in detail what sounds cats hate and the reason behind it.

Feline’s Ears Are Powerful And Sensitive

Are you aware that cats are flexible with their ears and can rotate it separately just like we move our hands?

A cat’s ear is created in such a way that it can detect and locate even the faintest of all sounds. It helps them to hunt prey and predators.

The external section of a cat’s ear consists of-

  • Auditory small bones
  • Eardrum
  • Middle ear
  • Canal
  • Earflap

The inner ear deals with semicircular canals filled with fluid to help them hear and also maintain balance.

If you are a cat lover, the exceptional hearing abilities of your cat will make you speechless. Can you believe that a deaf cat can hear a clapping sound?

Cats can hear sounds in the range between 45,000 and 60,000 hertz. To compare that with a human’s capacity to hear, we can hear sounds in the frequency range between 20 and 20,000 hertz.

All sounds above 20,000 are considered ultrasonic and this clearly demonstrates a cat’s ability to hear sounds we cannot even imagine.

List Of Sounds Cats Hate

There are some sounds to scare cats away and they include

1. Extremely Loud Sounds Are Allergic To Cats

Loud sounds are not liked by cats. If you wanna party with some heavy rock music, please take your cat inside a different room.

To your cat, even a small bit of loud music can cause severe headaches. In fact, they will not understand what’s happening around them.

Other loud sounds you should avoid when you are with your cat includes-

  • Drills
  • Thunder and lightning
  • Motorbikes
  • Garbage trucks
  • Sirens

When it comes to a washing machine or a vacuum cleaner, you do have a choice. These are some of the sounds cats hate.

Moreover, when you decide to clean your home, kindly leave your cat under someone’s care and do the needful.

2. Cats Hate Quick, Non-frequent Sounds

Felines are sleep- lovers. They normally avoid things that disrupt their peace of mind. Sudden,  abrupt sounds like a sports whistle or a distinct ringtone will agitate them.

In addition, a strict ‘No’ or a quick clap can make your cat run away in fear. Some cat owners use this method to stop uncouth behavior.

The felines will rightly connect these sounds with something unpleasant, and although it’s bad for them right from the start.

Try to make a sound that will rattle them and this will help them stop bad behavior.

If you ask experts, they will recommend positive reinforcement. Never do clicking sounds with your mouth as this can frustrate or confuse them.

Some cats will paw the nearby furniture to register their displeasure.

3. High-Frequency Sounds – Never Liked By Cats

Felines hear noises at a frequency which humans can’t even imagine. Due to this, even the minutest of sounds that are inaudible to humans can bother a cat to a large extent.

Some things that are known to produce high frequency sounds in households include-

  • Remote controls
  • Fluorescent lightbulbs
  • Television screens
  • Computer screens

These electronic items can produce high-pitched, high-frequency sounds that can easily disturb your cat. Look at them when you turn on these devices.

Keep the sound low.

4. Cats Don’t Like Hissing Sounds

Cats make hissing sounds. They react with a fearful expression. A hissing sound could mean a potential conflict or a dangerous situation with a cat.

The sound made by polyester clothing, rubbing aluminum foil, rustling shopping bags, and spraying aerosols can also disturb your cat.

These sounds can resemble a hiss like sound.  If you find your cat vocal, aggressive, or agitated, this could be one of the reasons.

Why Cats Hate Some Sounds?

It’s necessary to register the fact that not all felines will hate the sounds. Most of them will offer strong resistance to them.

For instance, sounds quite similar to hissing will make a cat uncomfortable because this is often linked to the defensive or territorial sound.

There are some other factors that will decide how much a feline will tolerate or detest a sound.

Maybe, they could have inherited some distaste towards some sounds or some sounds can make them remember a traumatic experience.

General Tips To Help Your Cat Handle Sounds They Hate

Cats are generally tolerant and let’s summarize the sounds cats hate-

  • Clicking noises -This is possibly the sounds every cat lover should avoid.
  • High pitched sounds – These sounds are normally not picked by humans such as sounds emitted by an LCD monitor, and fluorescent lightbulbs.
  • Fireworks display, engines, motors, heavy machinery, and motorbikes – Better avoid anything loud. You can keep the windows shut.
  • Vacuum cleaner or washing machine – We suggest you put your cat in a separate room while you do domestic chores.
  • Plastic bags – Sounds emanating from the rustling of plastic bags. Use cloth bags or jute bags to avoid this kind of sounds.

Do Cats Hate Whistle Sound?

If you have ever used a whistle when your cat is around, your cat might have given a negative reaction.

Most cats respond to whistle-blowing for positive reasons-

  • Cats enjoy superior hearing skills
  • In general, they will associate high-pitched sounds with prey such as small animals, rodents, and

The Real Ability

The capacity to handle as well as hear ultrasonic sounds are the main advantage for a cat in the wild. They can hear high pitched sounds created by chipmunks and mice.

So, when a cat hears a high pitched sound, his natural hunting instincts kick in. He is not aggressive but he is getting ready for the attack.

How To Use A Whistle As Training Equipment?

Sound can be easily used to make a cat stop unwanted behaviors such as scratching the sofa. Making room for the environment to take care of your cat is known as “remote correction.”

According to experts,  you should connect the unwanted behavior to a sound like blowing the whistle.  If you find your cat getting ready to perform some bad behavior, ward him off with the noise.

The most important of all- don’t say a word.

Interesting Facts About Cat Ears

  • Each cat ear uses 32 muscles to find the exact location of the sound.
  • Cat’s ears work as a mood-reflector.
  • BAER test stands for Brainstem Auditory Evoked Response test. It can help detect whether your cat is deaf or not.
  • Cats can hear something close to 11 octaves. It is actually one extra than a dog and two extra than us, humans.
  • When listening, a cat’s ear will automatically swivel within 7.5 cm from the source of sound not more than 91cm away.
  • Scientists have developed a keyboard that plays ultrasonic frequencies in 2014.
  • Experts also claim cats do love music.


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