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Can Dogs Eat Pork? What Happens If My Dog Eats Pork?

Can Dogs Eat Pork
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Can Dogs Eat Pork? Yes, but it is necessary to stick to certain guidelines. Undercooked pork is not at all advisable for dogs as it contains deadly parasite Trichinella Spiralis that may cause an infection called Trichinosis.

You can give plain pork to your dog. Avoid spice rubs and seasonings that contain garlic powder, nutmeg or onion powder as the toxic dosage of these spices causes anemia in dogs.

BBQ sauce must be definitely avoided as the seasonings contain traces of onion, garlic, and high levels of salt and sugar which is not safe for your dog.

What Does Pork Consist Of?

Pork contains protein. As a matter of fact, pork contains around 81% protein and the remaining is fat. In addition, pork contains selenium, iron, vitamin B12, zinc, phosphorous, niacin, and vitamin C.

Pork should be given as an addition along with a conventional and healthy wholesome diet for canines. This rich meat with high fat can cause indigestion in dogs.

Cook thoroughly before you feed the pork to your dog. Raw pork can cause a dangerous parasitic gastrointestinal infection called trichinosis.

Note: Try not to give all the human foods to dogs. There are other less fat alternative meats that are safe for dogs.

Is Pork Really Healthy For Dogs?

Pork matches a dog’s required level of fats, protein, and carbs. Also, it includes a series of vital nutrients needed for the dog’s overall growth. However, the high-fat content of the pork is very difficult for the dogs to digest.

Pork is safe for your buddy only if you add pork along with his regular balanced diet. Do not feed processed pork with seasonings to the dogs as their digestive system is not designed to process high fat and other unwanted additions.

Can Dogs Eat Raw Pork?

Undercooked or raw pork can contain a virus known as Trichinella spiralis larvae which can cause a condition called trichinella parasites.

Benefits Of Raw Diet For Dogs



Raw Pork Safety Precautions

  • A wild dog does not have any fear of parasitic infections or any other illnesses faced by humans.
  • Furthermore, pork bought from the store contains roundworm called trichinosis. Moreover, these worms live in the meat. They get killed when the raw meat is totally frozen for at least three to four weeks or cooked. But you are not sure if the pork is frozen for that much of time to get rid of the deadly parasite.
  • Therefore, never buy the raw meat from any store but only from reputed butchers.

What Happens If My Dog Eats Pork?

The symptoms are usually mild in nature:

  • Stiffness and pain
  • Muscle inflammation
  • Lethargy
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Stomach upset

Risk Symptoms If You Feed Raw Pork To Dogs

  • Dogs with a weak immune system might suffer from severe symptoms.
  • Always feed them in small quantities; pancreatic inflammation and indigestion are the likely causes of excessive pork intake.
  • Feed your dog with an edible, high-quality dental bone and not pork bones because the tender pieces can obstruct the internal organs and the esophagus.
  • Large quantities of bacon can cause pancreatitis as they are extremely rich in salt content and fats whereas ham can cause a condition called “Bloat”. In this condition, the dog will suffer from fluid, food, or gas accumulation in their stomachs. The dog will be forced to drink more water as eating ham can cause dehydration in dogs and thereby excessive water intake will severely affect the health of the internal organs.
  • The best alternative to pork is boiled, unseasoned, and plain chicken and that too when the dog is undergoing gastrointestinal issues. It contains amino acids, fats, minerals, and essential vitamins. It is a rich source of essential nutrients that boosts a dog’s health.

Can Dogs Eat Pork Bones?

Unprocessed natural pork bones are safe for your dog. On the other hand, cooked pork bones are not considered safe for your dogs.

The reason

The process of cooking removes all the moisture and makes them more fragile. As a result, this can cause tiny splinters and can affect your dog’s digestive tract and mouth.



What happens if my dog eats a pork bone?

Pork bones, whether raw or cooked are strictly taboo for the dogs. When your dog tries to chew or swallow, it may cause serious damage to the mouth, esophagus, and intestine.

In addition, when your dog tries to swallow small pieces, the splinters may lead to choking.

All of these are extremely dangerous to your furry buddy.

What should I do if my dog eats a cooked bone?

If your dog had already ingested cooked bones, just let them be and look out for any alarming symptoms.

Do not try to induce vomiting as it may further damage the dog’s throat as the bones way up back.

Dogs normally have the shortest digestive system and the food might be in the stomach for as long as 8 hours depending on the size of the dog. Your dog may excrete the bone through his digestive tract.

If you notice any uneasiness in your dog like excess salivation, vomiting, excessive drooling, or loss of appetite, immediately rush him to the vet.

He may suggest the right action for the recovery like inducing vomit or endoscopy or surgery.

Can Dogs Eat Pork Seasoned With Spices?

Plain pork is safe and pork seasoned with sauce or spices are not advised. The spices and sauces that contain nutmeg, garlic, and onion are also bad for dogs. Onions are as bad as grapes as they contain a toxic substance called thiosulphate which causes hemolytic anemia. Even a small amount is highly poisonous. This reiterates – avoid spices in any form.

Hence, it’s healthy to pick only unseasoned pork and those without any spices for your four-legged friend. Always try to feed healthy food for your pooch.

Do not give him leftovers. He must be treated as one of you and he certainly deserves the very same care and affection.


Vitamin B12 And Pork

Vitamin B12 is majorly present in pork and this vitamin manages the activity of three different enzymes. Without B12, the improper function of these enzymes can cause hyperhomocysteinemia in dogs.

Moreover, when the dog has less B12 than the prescribed limits, they are more susceptible to cardiovascular disease.

Final verdict

So, can dogs eat pork? Pork is, in fact, actually not safe for dogs. But, cooked pork without any bones and seasoning is actually a better option.

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