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Dog Fruits FAQs – Frequency Asked Questions

Dog Fruits FAQs

Can Dogs Eat Guava?

Can Dogs Eat GuavaYes, dogs can eat this completely safe fruit. All types of guava (both red and white) are safe for dogs. Always feed ripe guava to dogs. Raw guava pieces as big chunks may cause choking in dogs.

Guava is loaded with healthy nutrients like Vitamin C, potassium, antioxidants, fiber, etc., and has plenty of health benefits to dogs.

However, don’t go overboard as it can lead to gastrointestinal problems in dogs. Always feed your dog only the right quantity of any fruit.

Can Dogs Eat Prunes?

Can Dogs Eat PrunesPrunes are not toxic to dogs but are definitely not suggested for dogs. These dried sweet fruits may have an undesirable effect on the digestive system of dogs because of their high fiber and sugar content.

While prunes are loaded with nutrients and antioxidants, they bring negative effects on dogs and cause digestive disorders such as vomiting and diarrhea, and abdominal pain.

Can Dogs Eat Plantains?

Can Dogs Eat PlantainsDogs can eat plantains in a moderate quantity. Even though plantains are rich in fiber, minerals magnesium and potassium, and vitamins A, C, and B-6, large amounts can cause diarrhea and allergic reactions like skin rashes in dogs. Do not feed raw plantains to dogs. Cooked plantains are safe for dogs but should be fed only in small quantities.

Can Dogs Eat Bananas?

Can Dogs Eat BananasYes, it is good for dogs to eat bananas but in moderation. Bananas, the most popular human food, should be given to dogs as a treat and not as part of a dog’s regular diet.

Even though Bananas are a low-calorie fruit, have beneficial vitamins and nutrients like potassium, biotin, copper, and fiber, their high sugar levels are not good for dogs.

Can Dogs Eat Strawberries?

Can Dogs eat StrawberriesYes, dogs can eat strawberries but keep the portions small. They carry a good source of vitamin C, B1, and B6, vitamin K. They also contain fiber, potassium, omega–3 fatty acids, folic acid, magnesium, and iodine.

So strawberries help your dog’s immune system and skin coat. But keep in mind, they also contain a good amount of sugar. So be cautious and give strawberries to dogs in moderation.

Always check with your veterinarian, before sharing human foods with dogs, so their medical conditions would not stand a barrier to these yummy dog treats.

Can Dogs Eat Apples?

Can Dogs eat ApplesYes, dogs can eat apples but make sure to remove the seeds and core first. Apple contains vitamin C and A and is also high in fiber content. Apples are also a low-calorie snack treat that helps dogs to lose or maintain their weight.

CAUTION: The apple seed contains traces of cyanide, a toxic substance not good for your dog. So, never feed seeds to your dogs.

Can Dogs Eat Blueberries?

Can Dogs eat BlueberriesYes, dogs can eat blueberries. Blueberries are a great low-calorie treat for dogs. They are also a safe treat for diabetic dogs. Blueberries contain antioxidants, vitamins C, K, and are a good source of fiber, that helps your dog’s immune system and overall health. Frozen or fresh, blueberries are a nutritious snack for your dog.

CAUTION: Don’t overfeed dogs with blueberries. It may upset their digestion, causing diarrhea.

Can Dogs Eat Watermelon?

Can Dogs eat WatermelonYes, dogs can eat watermelon but take down the seeds and the rind, because it can lead to gastrointestinal upset. The fruit offers plenty of vitamins and nutrients beneficial for your dog’s health. Packed with nutrients, vitamins like A, B6, and C and with 92% water content, watermelon is the safest human food that dogs can have.

Can Dogs Eat Grapes?

Can Dogs Eat GrapesNOT AT ALL. Grapes are highly toxic and dangerous for dogs to consume. Not just grapes, even raisins or dried grapes should not be given to dogs. Be warned that Grapes can lead to vomiting and/or diarrhea, kidney failure, abdominal pain, or serious illness in dogs.

CAUTION: If at all your dog has ingested grapes, contact your vet immediately and don’t wait on expecting nothing to happen.

Can Dogs Eat Oranges?

Can Dogs Eat OrangesYes, dogs can eat Oranges. The fruit is loaded with vitamin C and can help your dog’s immunity. Nutrients, potassium, and fiber in Oranges make them healthy snacks/treats for dogs. But make sure you only feed in limited amounts, as oranges contain sugar and can cause stomach upset if your dogs eat them too much.

Can Dogs Eat Pineapple?

Can Dogs Eat PineappleYes, dogs can eat pineapple but not as a regular diet. Only small quantity of raw pineapple chunks are advisable. Never let dogs eat more of this fruit snack. Avoid canned pineapple, as they generally have more content of sugar in the syrup, that is not good for dogs.

Can Dogs Eat Mango?

Can Dogs Eat MangoYes, dogs can eat mango but make sure you peel the skin and remove the pit, which when consumed is bad for dogs to digest. Mango is a high in fiber nutritious fruit that also contains vitamin A, C, B6, C, and E.  It is a tasty treat fruit that can be given to dogs in moderation, due to their high sugar content.

CAUTION: Mangoes being a very popular human fruit, remember that too much of any fruit or vegetable can cause bellyaches and diarrhea in dogs.

Can Dogs Eat Avocado?

Can Dogs Eat AvocadoYes in small portions due to their nutritious value but be very careful with avocados and consult with your vet if you decide to feed it to your dog. They contain persin, a fungicidal toxin that can be dangerous to dogs. Most of the persin is found in the leaves, skin, and the pit of the fruit.

CAUTION: Watch out for vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach pain that may be caused by Persin.

What Fruits Can Dogs Eat?

What Fruits Can Dogs EatDogs being omnivores, they really don’t have a compelling need to eat fruits or even vegetables as part of their regular diet, but occasionally as treats are totally fine, which in fact is beneficial to your dog’s diet in many ways.

Fruits dogs can eat are:

  • Bananas
  • Apples
  • Cantaloupe
  • Blueberries
  • Cranberries
  • Mango
  • Oranges
  • Pears
  • Peaches
  • Pineapple
  • Strawberries
  • Raspberries
  • Watermelon

Can Dogs Eat Cranberries?

Can Dogs Eat CranberriesYes, in moderation, dogs can eat both cranberries and dried cranberries. Just be aware when you buy dried cranberries. It can sometimes be mixed with other dried fruits like raisins, which are extremely toxic and dangerous to dogs.

Can Dogs Eat Kiwi?

Can Dogs Eat KiwiYes, dogs can eat Kiwi as a treat but remove the skin and seeds while feeding dogs. It is both a sweet and tangy fruit, packed with Vitamins such as Vitamin C, K, E, and potassium.

CAUTION: Avoid feeding too much Kiwi to dogs, which can lead to stomach upset. Also consult your vet before feeding kiwi’s to your dog.

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