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Dog Nose Print – How To Nose Print Your Canine?

Dog Nose Print
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Are you aware that your pooch’s nose is distinct than yours?

A dog’s nose print is quite similar to the human fingerprint and each canine’s sniffing capabilities makes him a special one.

A dog’s paw pads are not similar to their nose prints and don’t possess the same level of ridge pattern.

What’s so special about a dog’s nose print? Let’s learn about it further.

No Two Dogs Carry The Same Nose Prints

If we analyze a dog’s nose, we will learn that on their surface one could notice several ridges. These ridges form unique patterns.

The wet nature of this surface attracts smell molecules permitting the canine to smell them much stronger.

The interesting news is that the CKC does allow dog nose prints since 1938.

These peculiar ridges present on a dog’s nose appears distinct that their appearance plays a huge role in identifying dogs.

The naked exposed part of the canine’s what experts call “nose” is “Rhinarium.”

Just as humans are identified by their distinct fingerprints, canines are identified using their nose prints.  No two guys human fingerprints appear the same.  A dog’s nose has unique ridges, dimples, and bumps that develop a unique pattern.

Dog Tracking With Nose Print

These are ideally used to differentiate one canine from another. Whatever said and done, nose printing is the easiest way of dog tracking.

A dog’s nose print does not change even if they get old.

Dog tags and collars can be changed or lost, and even the latest microchips are susceptible to removal. Acquiring a nose print is painless, distinct way of doggie identification.

Tracing a fingerprint to pull up a person’s history is similar to doing the same with canine nose print.  Dog nose prints are not majorly used in the United States of America.

The CKC is one club that has followed the practice of sharing nose prints for more than 80 years since they adopted this practice 80 years ago. This is one such club in the world that uses dog nose printing.

Experts claim that this is the most consistent form of personal identification present in dogs, but there is no single database.  Some breeders and dog trainers record nose prints, and these are not archived in a single place of the source.

Without a proper collection of all these dog nose prints, it appears unlikely that this could become a major identification program. People would still collar and microchip their dog with appropriate tags.

Simple Ways To Nose Print Your Canine

If your dog gets lost, you can boast of a secure way to get back your lost dog. More than that, it makes a clear piece of wonderful art for your home.

  • Use a clean towel and wipe your dog’s nose dry.
  • Take a paper towel. Choose a food dye and dab it as gently as possible on your buddy’s nose. Stop your dog from cleaning the dye with his tongue.
  • Press a white paper but don’t rub. You should ensure the document touches all sides of his nose.
  • Make a few attempts until you get a clear picture of what you want. Take care to minimize your canine’s squirming.
  • When you get a clear print, immediately clean your dog’s nose.
  • More than just a cute nose, your dog’s nose has amazing sensing abilities.

Canine World - Olfactory Part

Dogs use their nose much effectively than we use touch and sight to comprehend and understand the world. They rely on their unique sense of smell mainly to experience things, dogs, places, and people around them.

Presence of Scent Receptors

A dog’s nose is highly sensitive to smells compared to humans. Humans have something close to 50 lakh receptors and we use it to detect a staggering one trillion colors.

Canines have two hundred and twenty million olfactory receptors.

Bloodhounds have three hundred million receptors compared to one hundred and twenty-five million in Dachshunds.

With such a huge quantity of receptors, a dog can detect the unimaginable level of scents.

The scent membrane is called turbinate and it contains the nerves that process olfactory details to the brain.

Vets claim that a dog’s brain is smaller but their sense of smell is around forty-five times larger than the human brain.

Stereoscopic Muzzle

Their nostrils work like a stereoscopic sound processing two scents at one given time. This ability not only allow them to identify but also locate the smell.

Do you now understand how rescue dogs locate missing people or sniff dogs?

They have slits. Dogs process these slits mostly for exhalation. Dogs normally exhale through the side portions of their noses and inhale through their nostrils.

While humans spend most of their time only exhaling, our four-legged companions are constantly taking in new smells and scents.

A dog’s snout is much longer and this pushes air more swiftly towards the receptors. This feature enables dogs to easily detect new scents.

Tip – A dog’s nose will detect smells better when it is wet.

What Can A Dog’s Nose Do?

The dog’s nose has a lot of advantage.

They can tell time

If you did not have a watch, you could deduce the time by looking at the sun.

What about dogs?  Dogs can identify the time depending on the smells.  They can detect how long someone has been around.  Using this technique, your dog knows at what time you will come back after work.

By the time you reach home, he will be waiting at your doorstep.

Hey doggie, will it be hot tomorrow?

Dogs can smell, detect changes in weather patterns and barometric pressure. If you find your dog behaving abnormally, check the weather report.

Dogs are excellent lie detectors

They talk through smells. Have you ever heard of “Jacobson’s organ?”

They can sniff both positive and negative pheromones in humans and other pets. Dogs use this ability to detect potential friends and foes.

You should be cautious when your dog barks incessantly at a stranger, your dog might have sniffed negative pheromones.

 Smelling emotions? Are you kidding?

The scent receptors help dogs identify different emotional states.

Canines are not created with the same level of emotional range that humans have but they can also understand emotions to some extent.

Dogs can literally smell and find out if a person is happy, sad, or happy.

Do you now understand why your dog behaves comically when you are depressed?

Cancer detectors

Dogs noses are equipped to detect various types of cancer. Studies show young puppies can detect melanoma, colorectal cancer, and prostate cancer much efficiently than larger dogs.

Some dog organizations are training dogs to detect cancer and diabetic alert dogs are becoming common nowadays.

An epileptic seizure is one such thing dogs can detect quite handsomely.


Canines rely on and use their noses for a greater deal of things. With an incredible sense of smell and a distinct nose print, the dog nose has gained more importance.

When are you going to make your dog’s nose print?

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