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Maine Coon Cat Breed Information And Facts

Maine Coon
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A sweet-natured cat, the Maine Coon adapts to any condition and features a silky, but a heavy coat. This cat is regarded as the only longhair native breed in America.

Maine Coons are regarded as the most popular and famous pedigreed cats.

Maine Coon Breed Characteristics

  • Origin: Maine, New England
  • Size:  Medium-large
  • Purebred: Yes
  • Lifespan: 11-13 years
  • Height: Male – 10-16 inches, Female – 8-14 inches
  • Weight: Males – 11 lbs (large) , Females – 5 – 6.6 lbs
  • Coat Appearance: Silky, heavy, shaggy
  • Coat Colors: Cream, red, blue, black, and white
  • Temperament: Social, pleasing, adorable, cute, affectionate, kind, people-oriented but not dependent
  • Good With Children: Yes (better with supervision)
  • Intelligence Level: Medium
  • Good With Pets: Better with supervision
  • Hypoallergenic: No
  • Grooming: Moderate
  • Shedding: High
  • Suitable For Apartments: High
  • Need For Exercise: Moderate
  • Easy To Train: Yes
  • Good For First Time Owners: High
  • Health Issues: Spinal muscular atrophy, Hip dysplasia, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Polycystic kidney disease
  •  Litter Size: 4 to 6 kittens
  • Average Price: $1200-$2200 USD

Maine Coon Cat Infographic

Maine Coon Cat Infographic

Maine Coon Facts

Maine Coon History

This is the only longhair cat breed in America. Maine Coon was introduced by people who sailed into a place called New England. The cats ferried on their ships bred with the main existing native cat breeds and created their own breed.

The most promising show career for this cat began in America in New York in the year 1895. Leo, a tabby cat won the best cat award.

Leo cat kept winning at the prestigious Boston cat shows for quite some time until 1900. Leo’s son won the award that year.

After this sensation faded, the Persian cat breed became the most wanted cat breed in America. It dropped into the second position in popularity.

This position has changed again in recent times. The Maine Coon is now “America’s  Most Popular Cat.”

Interesting Facts

  • These cats do not “meow,” they  “chirp.”
  • They can withstand the harsh winters of New England. Their shaggy, multi-layered fur give them protection.
  • Known to be playful, loyal, and friendly. They love to play fetch.
  • Maine Coons are actually the only show cat from the United States.
  • American Longhair is another popular name for them. The largest domestic cat.
  • Efficient swimmers and have good water-resistant fur.
  • Some cat lovers claim that they are cats belonging to Captain.
  • Experts believe this cat reached America with the help of Vikings. That’s the reason for the similarity with the Norwegian Forest Cats.
  • The first American feline show was won by a Maine Coon named Cosey in the year 1895.

Maine Coon Personality

  • Despite her history and size, the cat is gentle and sweet-tempered. These cats adapt to any situation and love their parents.
  • When they run, she can be loud. Her quiet, soft voice proves that this lion represents a lamb.
  • The affable and good-natured Maine Coon adapts well to many personalities and lifestyles.
  • They like spending time with people. These cats follow their master. Attention-seekers of the first kind.
  • Maine Coons are not lap cats. They prefer to be near their master.
  • While these cats are people-oriented cats. They respond well if called. Maine Coons are not always dependent on people.
  • They move along well with small kids and other pets including dogs and cats.
  • These cats prefer to chase objects. Maine Coons mature slowly, and they don’t reach their full size not before they turn 3 or 5 years of age.
  • Their nature remains kiddish throughout their lives. They are intelligent, relaxed, and big.
  • Maine Coons rarely talks, instead, most have a trill or chirp in their voice.
  • Communicating with a different variety of sounds is this cat’s specialty. You will also see them use body language on a regular basis for communication.


Maine Coon Size And Lifespan


  • Male – Large – 11 lbs
  • Female – Medium – 5 to 6.6 lbs


  • Male – 10 to 16 inches
  • Female – 8 to 14 inches

Is it possible to predict the Maine Coon’s size?

The male cat is normally much larger than the female. There is no method to pinpoint the size of your cat. Like humans, genetics also play a crucial role. There are bad traits that can crop up and that were not actually planned for.

The size of a kitten might not exactly reflect the size of the parent cat. You can come to the conclusion that you will have a larger than a normal cat.

This cat can weigh 30 lbs and measure 45 inches long. The biggest cat is Stewie; it measured 33 lbs and 48 inches long.

His tail measures around 16 inches. Stewie’s owner states that there was really no abnormal diet, he grew without any good special cat diet.

Maine Coon Lifespan

The average lifespan of this cat is between 11 and 13 years. These cats are known to live a bit longer if provided with better care and treatment.

How to increase your cat’s lifespan?

Maine Coon Appearance And Coat Color


The Maine Coon presents itself as a natural breed. This cat traces its humble origins way back to the ones found on the North East American farms. These cats were prized for their capacity to catch vermin.

It is, thus, a medium-large cat having an athletic, long, and fair body.

This cat has a powerful bone structure. It gives a firm appearance of power. The head of this cat is powerful with a peculiar box-shaped muzzle. The ears are tufted and set high.

Its expression is typical of its breed and presents a feral-like look. Maine Coons are a good-natured cat. The tail appears well furnished and long. It’s displayed, which will sometimes swirl it around for extra warmth.

The Maine Coon represents a muscular, boned cat. She was a brilliant outdoor cat. The profile offers a small dip under the cat’s large eyes. The cat’s chest and legs are broad and thick.

Maine Coon Color And Pattern

Their coat is silky but heavy. Another interesting trait is that this cat’s coat is shaggy. It drapes longer and also behind the britches. The coat is shorter well over the shoulders.

More than 35 color classes including a variety of patterns and shades with or without a white color result in different color combinations.

The solid colors include –

  • Cream, red, blue, black, and white
  • Tortoiseshells
  • Dilute Tortoiseshells
  • Tabby colors include blue, silver, cream, red, and brown
  • Silver varieties of these color patterns

In general, these cats come in about any color. These colors include blue, silver, cream, red, and brown.

They come in different colors except those coming from hybridization including the pointed, lilac and seal, and chocolate.

In some places, only the mackerel and classic patterns are accepted in this cat breed.

Maine Coon Grooming And Shedding

  • It is a large, rugged cat having a shaggy, smooth coat. These cats were developed for such work in one of the harsh Maine conditions.
  • Their breed standard showcases their heritage. It is a medium-size cat with a proportioned body. It looks broad-chested and muscular.
  • A Maine Coon cat has strong, medium-size lengthy and large paws, and round paws. They are well-tufted with hair and it serves as good “snowshoes.”
  • These cats have a heavy coat which is shorter and longer on the shoulders and on the stomach.
  • A medium-width cat head is a little bit longer. It has a deep squarish muzzle.
  • Well-tufted large ears are wide, and it tapers to a certain point. It has expressive, large copper, greenish-gold, and green eyes.
  • Bi-colored and white cats may have odd or blue eyes. The brown tabby coat pattern is popular in this breed. These cats can come in different patterns and colors.
  • They are surprised that these cats are found in different colors that include patterns such as calico and tortoiseshell. Bi-color include red and white, blue and white.
  • These cats have an oily, silky coat and it much easier to maintain. The coat is self-maintained and will need occasional grooming. They love attention and grooming.

Grooming Your Cat

  • They have solid thick coats and it is advisable to keep their coat clean to prevent any allergies.
  • Most cats do well with brushing. It’s better if you start brushing your cat early.
  • Use a branded stainless-steel comb. Use it over your cat’s body. Give extra attention to the cat’s tail and tummy because they get matted quite easily.

How to trim your cat’s claws?

  • Your cat can over-use his claws and he may need a proper trim. To stop your cat’s claws from growing too long. Trim them at least every 15-20 days or so.
  • Trim the nail white tips. Stop trimming the pink part of your pet’s claws.
  • Avoid using scissors to trim. Use a different guillotine-style nail trimmer.
  • If you prefer not to cut your pet’s nails all by yourself, you can definitely hire the services of a professional groomer.

Simple tips to clean your cat’s teeth

  • They are susceptible to dental issues. Regular brushing looks essential. Brush your cat’s teeth once per day.
  • Stop using human products. Human toothpaste consists of fluoride. Flouride is toxic and harmful to cats.

Give a bath

  • These cats are good with water than most cat breeds. Bathing should never be a problem.
  • They do not get regular baths. If your cat ever becomes dirty, you should give a bath.

Maintaining your Maine Coon

  • These cats are regular lap-cats
  • Known for their brilliant catching skills, let your cat play with toys. Try toys that stay firm and low to the floor level.

Some popular toy choices include 

  • A laser pointer
  • Mouse toys
  • Jingle ball toys
  • Crinkly ball toys
  • Fur Mice

Do Maine Coons Shed?

Yes, these cats are notorious shedders. The coat is prone to seasonal variation. The fur grows thicker and thinner in the winter and during the summer respectively.

These cats will shed in the season of Spring and in Autumn.

Maine Coon Care

Maine Coons are the state cat of Maine in the United States. These long-haired, hearty cats are popular for their friendly demeanor, bushy tails, and mouse-catching skills.

Maine Coons make good family pets. They still need regular care to maintain their health. If you own a Maine Coon, you should take care of its health, entertainment, grooming, and nutrition needs.

Simple Tips to Care for Maine Coon

  • Despite its natural length, the coat has a powerful silky texture. It mats easily and you can prevent it from matting.
  • Comb twice a week to distribute skin oils and remove dead hair.
  • Useful cat grooming kit includes a steel comb. It is useful in removing tangles. This process is called “grooming rake.”
  • Use the comb on the tail as well as on the stomach area. These cats are patient. This does not mean you can play with their hair as and when you like.
  • Clean the tail and remove all the bits of feces. A baby wipe would be helpful.
  • Bathe them as needed. It can range from some weeks to some months. In case their coat feels stringy or greasy, they would need a clean bath.
  • Clean their teeth and it can prevent periodontal disease. We recommend daily brushing but once a week brushing is also not bad.
  • Trim the nails once every fortnight or so.
  • Cleanly wipe the side corners of your pet’s eyes using a damp, soft cloth. Always use a different cloth to prevent the spread of infection.
  • Check the cat’s ears weekly. Wipe them using a soft damp cloth or cotton ball. Clean the ears with a mixture of warm water and cider vinegar. Stop using cotton swabs. It can create problems.
  • Keep the cat’s litter box clean. They are strong about their bathroom hygiene. It’s a neat idea to maintain a good cat like this indoors.
  • When these cats go outdoors, they run the big risk of being hit or stolen by someone.



Maine Coon Food

Choosing the best quality cat food will go a long way in maintaining the health of your cat. Try to follow these simple tips before you feed your pet cat.

Select the best-quality food

Maine Coons need top-quality feline food to stay healthy. Select a prominent cat food specially created for cats.

If your cat has any recommended dietary needs, then ensure that the cat food you offer meets those needs.

For instance – if your cat appears overweight, then you should feed him food only meant for obese cats.

  1. If you are unsure about specific cat food, then consult your vet.
  2. Choose foods that contain Taurine is a specific amino acid. Cats that don’t get enough taurine can suffer from eye and heart problems.
  3. Create a specific feeding schedule. Food packages list the complete list of nutrient that you should feed your cat. Divide the total part into two simple meals.
  4. Feed them simple meals. Give your cat some breakfast at 7:00 am and her dinner at 6:00 pm.
  5. Cats prefer small sized meals.
  6. Provide access to clean, fresh water. They need a good supply of clean, fresh water 24/7. Keep your cat’s water bowl clean at all times. Cats do not prefer to drink or eat near their litter boxes.
  7. Treats provide your cat some joy. Have some treats on hand. Please keep track of treats you offer your cat or otherwise he may become obese.
  8. Limit treats to 4-6% of your cat’s daily intake.
  9. Select treats that will help your cat’s teeth appear clean.

Maine Coon Training And Exercise

The basic step is to train your catwalk on a leash.

1. Harness

Pet your cat; make your cat wear the harness. Do not touch your cat’s legs. If your pet stays calm and composed, give him one more treat.

Repeat this process until you feel that your cat is completely cool with wearing the harness.

2. Move outside

Many people prefer training the cat inside first. Put your pet with the harness and leash on the place. Take a 3-foot distance and crouch down.

When you crouch, you are creating a good safe zone under your legs. Cats that are not yet ready will try to hide under your legs.

After some time, your cat will try to follow you. It should not walk or run away from you.

3. Check the signs

When step two clicks, check for signs that your cat is comfortable outside. If he sniffs everything and starts to eat things including grass, your cat is feeling good.

Give your cat all the time in the world it needs to understand the surroundings.

Start walking with your cat. Walk slowly and don’t go too far.

Are Maine Coons Intelligent?

Yes and no. This depends mostly on your cat’s temperament, and it is not that difficult to train a cat. Never force a cat and take things slowly.

Patience and consistency are the two main factors in training a cat.

Must-avoid things

  1. Avoid a collar. These cats weigh close to 26 lbs and move pretty fast. A harness is always better than a collar.
  2. Never pull or snap the leash. You own a cat and not a dog.
  3. Be patient. Show care and affection.


They have little exercise needs. Their regular activity should include playing, running, jumping, and sleeping long hours.

Contact your trainer or vet if you detect a decrease in mobility and activity.

Maine Coon Health

Both mixed-breed and pedigreed cats have different incidences of health issues. These problems could be genetic in nature.

Some of the common health problems that affect these cats include –

  1. Spinal muscular atrophy – It is a problem that disturbs skeletal muscles of the limbs and trunks. Vets claim spinal muscular atrophy is a genetic disorder.
  2. Polycystic kidney disease – A slow affordable heritable kidney disease. It can cause renal failure.
  3. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy – It’s a kind of heart problem that’s present in these cats. A special DNA-based test is recommended to pinpoint cats that carry genes that cause this problem.
  4. Hip dysplasia – Hip dysplasia is a condition in which the hip joints develop abnormally or leads to malformation. It deteriorates and leads to a problem in the joints.

Cats with these conditions will move or jump slowly.

Word of caution

All cats have different genetic problems. Any breeder who claims that their breed has no genetic or health issues is not at all knowledgeable or lying.

Maine Coon Kittens For Sale

Maine Coon Price and Breeders

These cats are regarded as the “ Dogs of the feline world.” They seek a good relationship.  They have bobcat-like ears and tufted fur feet.

Being friendly and affectionate, the exact price of a cat like this varies from one breeder to another.

The average cost of a Maine Coon is between $1200-$2200 USD for a kitten. There are reputed catteries that breed for shows.

A good and respected breeder will concentrate on the well-being of the cat. He is not in this field only for profit. They want to ensure that all the kittens get a good home.

Be ready to have the cat neutered or spayed. Most breeders prefer to keep the line and not have kittens.

Never buy from a breeder if he offers a kitten for $1200 USD or less.

TICA Breeders in the United States

  1. Arkansas – Metatroneyes
  2. Colorado – Comainecoons
  3. Florida – Sportingfields, Sassykoonz, Reigningcats
  4. Georgia – Mainesail
  5. Illinois – Wildonion
  6. Wisconsin – Zeuspride
  7. Virginia – Dreamcoon
  8. Texas – Aliana
  9. South Carolina – Carolinamc
  10. Pennsylvania – Gatticoon

For more details, visit – https://tica.org/maine-coon-breeders


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