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Dog Adoption Tips – Complete Guide For A Proper Adoption

Dog Adoption
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Are you keen to add a new family member to your already existing family? In general, there are a lot of options when it comes to pets that are eagerly waiting for love and care. So, show your love by adopting a canine friend as early as today- and spread the joy of giving a new life to a lovely soul. To sum up, we have presented a complete guide on dog adoption – A to Z that touches upon on all core issues.



Dog Adoption Tips Video

Dog Adoption - A to Z

1. First, every potential pet owner should decide about the type of dog

First and foremost, you should decide what kind of dog your family can take care before the adoption actually starts. In many cases, a professional dog trainer is the one who can help you with this factor. If you are eager to adopt a pet for your old parents or a kith at a hospital, you need to consider therapy dog breeds that shower love and service unconditionally.

2. Black dogs are not bad!

Somehow there is a perception amongst some dog seekers who believe that white dogs are well-behaved than black dogs. In fact, they are quite routinely avoided for the dogs with flashier, lighter coats. Kindly do not avoid dark coloured dogs.

3. Avoid eye contact with the pets

According to animal experts, when you look through kennels you better avoid direct eye contact. As per studies, make eye contact only in the later stage of adoption.

4. Meet the right persons associated with dog adoption

Try to meet with animal shelter workers and ask about their favourite dog. In general, shelter staffers know more about the dogs under their care well.

5. Dogs in disaster-affected areas need more support

Disaster areas need higher-than-average levels of pet dog adoption, and you can go for a state of the art transport service to move your dog.

6. Consult your family

Not to mention, everyone at home must be on the same page with the concept of pet adoption. Take all your family member including your present pet. In other words, you should observe how the new dog reacts to other dogs.

Suppose, if you feel that the dog does not mingle properly with other dogs there, kindly avoid that dog.

7. Take a stroll with a couple of dogs

Try to narrow your search down to a couple of ones, advises dog experts. Convince the shelter to allow you to take each dog for a one-to-one leash walk. Overall, you can definitely learn more about a particular dog’s personality and energy during a 5- minute walk.

8. Practice hands-free handling

When you come in contact with a rescue dog, completely avoid the dog. In other words, you should sit or stand close to him, but avoid eye-contact.

9. Do it when you are prepared

Importantly, if you feel that you have enough time at your disposal, make the second visit, however, at a different time. Finally, when all the paperwork is over, just walk away with your dog.

10. Visit a kill shelter

Bear in mind, dogs present in kill shelters face the risk of getting killed at a much faster rate. There are plenty of reasons for the same ranging from overcrowds and local policy. Therefore, you better visit these centres first, you can easily save a dog’s life.

11. Check your dog’s energy level

One of the most important factors, you should adopt a dog that matches your family members energy levels. Especially,  dog compatible energy is much more important than any other breed.

12. Avoid Pet Stores

It’s definitely a no-no to buy from the nearby pet store located in the mall. In general, all the puppies may look convincing, but they could be from the puppy factory, born to abused and

overbred mothers.

Note – You will not know where these puppies came from and what sort of genetic diseases they have. Moreover, if you support these stores, you are indirectly supporting animal abuse.

13. Young dogs

The most lovable and cutest period in any dog’s life is its puppyhood. As a matter of fact, a dog remains a puppy right from birth to 8 months. Later, it turns into an adult from 8 months to 3 years.

Overall, you think as hard as possible and bring a dog that really suits you and nothing else.

14. Mutts

Mixed dog breeds are the best pets because of the fact that these breeds generally have the good traits. In addition, many believe that these mixed breeds are much healthier than old purebreds.

Furthermore, there is another prevailing belief that mutts are much intelligent than purebred dogs.

15. Older dogs need immediate care and attention

Indeed, death or divorce can make a senior-dog suffer without a home. Not to mention, these are the dogs that can easily melt anyone’s heart. In all honesty, these older dogs are much calmer and settled, and usually remain easy to go for a stroll or a car ride.

16. Being quiet is overrated

Bear in mind, animal shelters are some of the noisiest places and loud barking is not ruled out. Also, when you find a dog barking at you, he is, in fact, reacting to its neighbours call.

To sum up, when you take your dog for a walk, you may find his attitude pleasant and overwhelming.

17. Bring home a Pit Bull

Pit Bulls are always known for their fierce owner loyalty. Furthermore, these dogs require well-informed owners who can understand and manage their loyalty. Not to mention,  these dog breeds get a bad reputation because of some irresponsible dog owners.

18. Try purebreds

Why don’t you bring home a purebred? For instance, you get Keeshonds in Kansas and Rottweilers in the Rhode Island.

19. Vaccinations

Other than the usual vaccines, you should verify whether your dog is affected by parvovirus or not. These viruses are normally found in the intestines of puppies. Many vets also advice that all puppies be placed securely from public glare until their regular vaccines are completed.

20. Keep your expectations as less as possible

Never expect the dog you meet at the rescue shelter to display affection openly in the first meeting. Especially, the stress associated with shelter can induce increased levels of cortisol,  and this can at times, manifest in aggressive or hyperactive behaviour.

So, discuss with the shelter authorities about the dog you are keen to adopt and whether you are allowed to spend quality time with that dog.

21. Never tolerate bad dog behaviour

Most importantly, it’s always best to correct your dog’s behaviour as early as possible because it can manifest into wrong socializing skills. Therefore, inculcate obedience training, make rules,  and impose them calmly.

Next, reward your puppy’s good behaviour with treats, and you will find a friend for life.

How Long Will It Take To Bring Home A Pet?

Actually, it depends on several factors including foster and pet’s schedule, the time can vary between three weeks and two days. The first and normal step includes filling out an adoption application form.

Then, the centre will decide whether you are the right match and proceed further. There are four steps in adopting a pet, either from an animal rescue centre or shelter. They are

  • Complete a pet adoption application
  • Attend an interview with the concerned authorities
  • Go to the meet ceremony
  • Decide about the adoption

Why Adopting An Older Pet Is A Good Option?

When it comes to pet adoption, older pets are frequently ignored. In fact, there are are several animal shelters that contain some of the most loveable, active, and healthy pets.

Additionally, other than being a life-saving option, let’s understand why adopting an older pet can actually be a fantastic option

  • Older pets are suitable for first-time pet owners who cannot spend much time to socialize or train young pets.
  • When selecting a senior pet, new pet owners can express a huge sigh of relief because the pet’s personality and traits are already well known.
  • In fact, an older pet will shower the same intensity of love and affection like young pets. Being incredibly resilient, these senior pets have the capacity to bond within a short span of time.

Where To Start Searching For Pets?

Some of the best places to look for include

  • A stray dog can adopt you as their new owner.
  • In some cases, some of your family members might not be in a position to take care of the pets at home. So, you can adopt their pet.
  • Also, there are pet adoption websites that provide all the details related to pet adoption.
  • Your local vet can also be a contact for finding pets that might need a home.
  • Other options include the various breed rescue groups. You can also check with akc.org for further details.
  • Many humane societies and animal shelters conduct adoption drives for as little as USD $ 50.

No-Kill Pet Shelters Located In America

The list of no-kill pet shelters in America include-

  • Best Friends Animal Society, Utah
  • Arizona Animal Welfare League – Arizona
  • Dane County Humane Society – Wisconsin
  • Nevada Humane Society – Nevada
  • Tompkins Country SPCA – New York
  • Richmond SPCA – Virginia
  • Members of the Metro Denver Shelter Alliance – Colorado
  • Multnomah County Animal Services – Oregon
  • City of San Jose Animal Care & Services – California
  • Austin Pets Alive! – Texas

Adopting A Feline To Meet Your Lifestyle

First and foremost, you should begin your search with a reputable animal welfare group or a shelter. For a long-lasting relationship, you should find the right cat that suits your lifestyle.

  • Kitten or cat – In general, kittens require a plenty of time and supervision. In fact, they can make excellent companions and provide tons and tons of entertainment. However, there are plenty of merits in bringing home an adult cat. Of course, they are already trained and can adapt to a new home with care.
  • Mix or purebred – Be ready to carry out some research on hereditary traits, dispositions, or breed personalities. Also, you can contact your local cat shelters for more information.
  • Personality – So, are you ready to adopt an active cat or a cuddly cat? For example, if you have other pets or children, you should know what cat breeds mingle well with them. In addition, you can also interact with the shelter authorities or staff who interact closely with the inmates.
    Moreover, many shelter homes conduct a detailed behavioral analysis before they actually allow you to adopt a pet.
  • Cost of maintenance – As per reports from ASPCA, the overall cost including items such as treats, toys, insurance, medical expenses etc. can touch USD $ 670 per annum. Other expenses include spaying or neutering charges, transport etc. are USD $ 365 onwards.

Finally, whether you choose a senior or an adult cat or a kitten, adopting a cat saves two imminent lives from misery. One, the cat you have adopted, and the other includes the one that takes your cat’s place in the shelter.

Exotic Pets – Adoption Checklist For A Happy And Safe Relationship

From guinea pigs to macaws, exotic pet rescues and shelters are available in every nook and corner of the world.

Before buying an exotic pet, gather as much detail as possible about the pets. For example, collect details such as hereditary illnesses, food choices, previous home information if any, and age etc.

1. Check these details

Without exactly knowing what these pets require, many people bring home a pet and often feel frustrated. The most important details are how much space these animals require, is it legal to keep them as pets, and how they actually behave.

Overall, a dejected pet owner often produces a neglected pet. In many cases, owner dissatisfaction results in pets reaching rescue shelters or foster care homes.

2. Consult your family

Suppose, there are a lot of members in your family, you must certainly ask for their opinion. For example, if a member fears reptiles, you might postpone your decision. In general, most shelters will give permission to meet and interact with a pet before they finalize their decision.

3. Take everyone on board

Some pet shelters also allow the family members to bring in their house pets and observe how they actually react to a new family member.

As a thumb rule, the same species do not create much commotion under supervision. On the contrary pets such as ferrets, dogs, and cats should not come into contact with rodents, rabbits, and parrots.

4. Plan long-term

Unlike most cats and dogs, certain exotic pets live for a very long time. Therefore, if you are really keen on adopting one of these pets, plan for long term. Importantly, exotic pets require a big investment in terms of both money and time. So, plan wisely.

5. Make repeated visits if possible

Just like humans, animals do suffer from “off days”. So, repeated visits to the shelter can help you in determining the exact nature of the pets. Are they nervous? Are they aggressive? Are they outgoing?

So, these are some of the important little things you should follow.

6. Never skip the first checkup

Any responsible pet owner will first fix an appointment with their local vet. Also, it’s recommended that you keep your new pet away until a vet has examined them. Many exotic pets including a bearded dragon, bunny, or a bird have very specific housing or food requirements.

Finally, a quick trip to your family vet can prevent problems and support a healthier, happier pet-owner relationship.

The Bottomline

Bringing home a pet can be the best service you are doing to the animal world in general. All in all, your new pet friend will greet you with love and gratitude for the rest of their life.

Overall, together, you are going to create beautiful memories. Bring home the bundle of joy!

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