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Samoyed – Dog Breed Information And Personality

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Crafted with perfection and highly active, Samoyed is an elegant working-dog standing anywhere between 19 and 23 inches at the shoulder.

Sammies smile has an important role. The corners of the mouth prevent Samoyeds from drooling. It prevents icicles.

This social dog hates solitary confinement.  These smart dogs demand care and affection. Teach Sammies that you are the “alpha” to avoid any confusion and they need a firm but positive hand in training.

Samoyed Pronunciation

The correct way to pronounce this name is “sam-a-YED.” Memorize his nickname “Sammy”. If you are still unsure, check out the Samoyed Club of America’s website.

Samoyed Dog Breed

  • Origin: Siberia
  • Size: Medium- Large
  • Dog Breed Group: Working Group
  • Purebred: Yes
  • Lifespan: 12-14 years
  • Height: Male – 21-23.5 inches, Female – 19-21 inches
  • Weight: Males – 45-65 lbs and Females – 35 – 50 lbs
  • Coat Appearance: Double-coated
  • Coat Colors: All biscuit, cream, white and biscuit, and pure white
  • Temperament: Conservative but affectionate, ready to serve, full of action, smart, adaptable, loyal, gentle, and brilliant
  • Good With Children: Yes
  • Intelligence Level: Moderate
  • Good With Pets: Yes with supervision
  • Hypoallergenic: Yes
  • Grooming: Moderate
  • Shedding: High (seasonal)
  • Suitable For Apartments: High
  • Need For Exercise: High
  • Easy To Train: Yes
  • Good For First Time Owners: No
  • Health Issues: Glaucoma, Hip Dysplasia, glomerulopathy, Hypothyroidism, Diabetes Mellitus, Progressive Retinal Atrophy, Subvalvular Aortic Stenosis
  • Litter Size: 4-6 puppies
  • Average Price: $600 – $2500 USD

Samoyed Infographic


Samoyed History

The name of this breed is derived from Samoyede tribe, a nomadic group from Asia who settled in Siberia several thousand years ago.

These tribes bred canines for local work in some of the coldest places on Earth.

Where Are Samoyed Dogs Commonly Found?

In Siberia, the temperature can plummet several degrees and touch minus -60 degrees Celsius.

The Samoyedes lived in a tent and enjoyed their dog’s company to keep warm. This type of social bonding over a thousand of years strengthened the relationship between people and Samoyeds.

When not pulling heavy loads across Siberia, Sammies earned their food as hunters or watchdogs.

These tribes mainly depended on reindeer for leather, fur, and food. At first, they used their Sammies to hunt reindeers. As time progressed, these people used these dogs to herd reindeers.

The brave hunting dog found an exciting role as solid stock dogs.

Interesting Facts 

  • Arctic explorers introduced this white beauty to British dog lovers. In fact, Queen Alexandria loved this breed so much that she promoted this breed as a show and companion dog.
  • The Samoyede tribe was a nomadic tribe reaching from Yenisei river to the White Sea.
  • Queen Alexandra loved this breed so much. The descendants of her dog collection appear in many American and English kennels today.
  • Sammies accompanied Amundsen in his trip to the South Pole way back in 1911.
  • Moustan of Argenteau was the first Sammy to enter the AKC in 1906.
  • Celebrated explorers Amundsen, Shackleton, and Scott used these dogs to cross uncharted frozen lands.

Samoyed Coat

Samoyeds are double-coated dogs free from curls. They have a thick and short inner coat and a weather-resistant soft outer coat.

A silver sheen is seen and females have a soft coat compared to males.

Samoyed Coat Color

  • Accepted colors include all biscuit, cream, white and biscuit, and pure white
  • Any other colors automatically disqualify this breed

How Do Samoyeds Look Like?

These dogs present a picture of grace, dignity, along with strength, alertness, and beauty.

As they work mainly in a cold climate, their coats are weather-resistant and heavy. Males have more of a “ruff” compared to females.

He should have a strong back, otherwise, his weak back would simply make him practically useless.

Breeders should aim strong loins, straight front, powerful neck, well-sprung ribs, and a deep chest.

Males should appear masculine in shape without unwarranted aggressiveness. Females should be feminine without weakness or softness of personality.

Bitches may appear longer in the back compared to males. Both sexes should give a feeling of great endurance. The legs appear longer.

Samoyed Size

  • Height – 19 to 21 inches(female), 21 to 23.5 inches(male)
  • Weight – 35 to 50 lbs(female), 45 to 65 lbs(male)

Samoyed Lifespan

The expected lifespan of this breed is between 12 and 14 years. With enough care and affection, these dogs can survive a few more years.

Samoyed Temperament

Unprovoked aggressiveness is not part of this breed and should not be encouraged. These dogs are not shy or distrustful, conservative but affectionate, ready to serve, full of action, smart, adaptable, loyal, gentle, and brilliant.

These dogs are caring and independent.

Is Samoyed Good For First Time Owners?

Samoyed loves human company.  They are amazing pets. However, you have to know how to handle the training and be a perfect owner. Not suitable for first-time owners and people who cannot spend quality time because they can develop separation anxiety if left alone for a prolonged period of time.

They will alarm bark and can turn into nuisance barkers if left unsupervised.

Sammies love digging. Early socialization and training is a must.

They get along handsomely well with other pets and dogs as well.

Herding dogs by instinct, some Sammies may exhibit a tendency to nip or chase.

Samoyed Care

These dogs are not a hard breed to keep. They thrive on the best quality dog food. Obesity is a problem with this breed.

They are long-lived, hardy dogs, and live at least 12 years. These dogs are healthy and need daily exercise.

Since these dogs love people, and they love positive reinforcement training. They are happy to compete in a contest involving weight pulls, sledding, herding, agility, and obedience.

These dogs behave oddly if left alone for long hours. They greet strangers with a wagging tail. The “Samoyed Smile” means he is happy and not aggressive at all.

They are quite independent and perform best with early socialization and training. They happily perform chores and love pulling a cart.

Is Samoyed hypoallergenic?

Yes, Samoyed is hypoallergenic to some extent. These dogs develop very low dander because of the low protein levels they produce. That’s the same reason they don’t drool much and are safe for the people who are allergic to dog danders.

However, they produce dander during the shedding season which may cause allergic reactions in some people.

Grooming is recommended on a daily basis, mainly during the shedding season.



Samoyed Grooming

These dog breeds have an excellent double coat. Their undercoats are thick and soft; the outer coats stick straight out.

They shed quite a lot, and more during shedding season. This can occur once or twice a year. Daily brushing will automatically remove loose hairs and debris and make the dog look good.

Tangles and mats can be removed using a metal comb or a slicker brush. If you own a Sammy, ditch black color dress from your wardrobe. In other words, you invest in a de-linter.

Maintenance can be a real daunting task. Sammies need bathing once every two months, or whenever he’s into something smelly. Bathing this dog is a time-consuming process. It involves soaking the coat in water, using a vet-recommended shampoo, and allowing it to dry is not an easy process.

Many dog lovers prefer to hire the services of a professional groomer. It will remove some burden off the dog lover. But, you should brush him on a regular basis.


Brush your Sammy’s teeth three times a week. It will help prevent tartar and bacteria build-up. Daily brushing is best if you love to prevent bad breath and gum issues.


Trim the nails every four weeks. If you hear your dog’s nails making a sound when it comes in contact with the floor, then it’s time to clip them.

Dog toenails carry blood vessels, and if you are carelessly you can hurt them unintentionally.

So, if you are a novice when it comes to grooming, hire a professional groomer.


Check your dog’s ears on a weekly basis for bad odor or redness. When you decide to clean your dog’s ears, always use a moist cotton wrap dipped in an ear solution recommended by your vet.

Do not play with your dog’s ear canal. Act Responsibly.

Simple Tips for Easy Grooming

Begin training your puppy when he’s a puppy. Check your dog’s paws every now and then, and also check his mouth.

Ensure that the grooming process is a happy experience filled with rewards and praise.

As you groom your puppy, check for rashes, sores, and symptoms of infections such as inflammation on the feet and skin, in the mouth and nose, tenderness, and redness.

Check the dog’s eyes, and there should be no sign of any discharge, infection, or redness.

Your weekly checkup will remove or prevent scores of potential health problems at an early stage itself.

Training A Samoyed

The Samoyede tribes lived in tents. They huddle for warmth and comfort with their dogs to beat the cold Arctic weather.

This unusual bonding forged a thick relationship between humans and Sammies. A Sammy pushed into solitary confinement is a destructive canine.

These naughty, social, smart dogs demand constant attention and care. They need a firm but positive reinforcement to become a well-trained dog.

Samoyed Exercise

Samoyeds love being with their family. These dogs love play sessions and daily exercise with their owner.

This breed has a powerful urge to roam, and if not on a leash, a Samoyed can travel for miles and miles, putting himself on the path of grave risk.

Other Pets and Children

These dog breeds are sincerely attached and affectionate to his family. A well-socialized dog loves the company and attention of youngsters if they are taught how to treat them.

The dog’s size can be quite intimidating and can knock over a kid unintentionally. Taking all these things into perspective, a responsible person should watch all interactions.

As with every other dog breed, you better teach kids on how to handle touchy dogs to avoid any unnecessary skirmishes.

Make it loud and clear that kids should not approach a sleeping or an eating dog. No canine, no matter how affectionate they are, should seldom be left unattended with a kid.

These dogs love the company of fellow dogs and other pets. This is a simple proposition if he has been brought up with pets from a very early age.

They are genetically inclined to chase small animals or prey. For happy coexistence with other animals and felines, a good introduction is crucial. Close supervision is also recommended.

Feeding A Samoyed Dog

Sammy should perform well on top-quality canine food, whether home-prepared or commercially manufactured.

Homemade dog food should be prepared after seeking your vet’s approval and supervision.

Any dog diet should suit a dog’s age. Some canines are easily susceptible to becoming obese, so watch your canine’s weight level and calorie consumption.

Treats and rewards are vital in training. Never feed them too much as it could cause obesity.

Talk to your vet without fail and seek his opinion on the right kind of balanced diet for your dog.

Clean, fresh drinking water is a must 24/7.

Feeding A Samoyed Puppy

Recommended daily feeding schedule – 1.5 cups to 2.5 cups ideally divided into two small meals.

Tip – How much your pet eats depends on several factors including his activity level, metabolism, build, age, and size.

Every dog is a separate individual, and all dogs don’t need the same amount of food. It ‘s a universal understanding that active dogs need more food than couch potatoes.

Samoyed puppies prefer slow, and steady growth. You should feed a top-quality diet with 14 percent fat, and 24 percent protein.

Keep your Samoyed dog puppy in excellent shape by feeding him at least two times a day rather than leaving it out in the open. If you have any doubt, do the hands-on test and eye test.

First, take a close look at his waist. Position your hand with the thumb along your dog’s spine, and fingers spreading downwards.

If you could feel his ribs without pressing too hard, then he is on the right track. If you cannot feel his ribs, he needs very less dog food and more training to keep him in shape.

Safe Foods

  • Cheese
  • Cashews
  • Bread
  • Eggs
  • Coconut
  • Corn
  • Ham
  • Fish
  • Milk
  • Pork
  • Popcorn
  • Peanuts
  • Peanut butter
  • Yogurt
  • Turkey
  • Grains and wheat

Not-so-safe Foods

  • Almonds
  • Cinnamon
  • Chocolate
  • Garlic
  • Onion
  • Ice cream
  • Macadamia nuts
  • Xylitol-based product
  • Excessive salt-based dog items

Samoyed Health Problems

Sammies are healthy dogs. All responsible dog breeders will test their dog for many health conditions including cardiac, eye, and hip dysplasia problems.

The dog’s teeth should be neatly brushed often. Always use a vet-specified toothpaste.

Regular visits should include proper checkups and tick control measures to ensure the canine a healthy life.

Some of the common health issues that may affect this dog breed include –

1. Subvalvular Aortic Stenosis –

In this condition, a heart problem occurs because of a narrow connection between the aorta and left Contact your vet and do the needful.

2. Progressive Retinal Atrophy 

In PRA, the retina undergoes gradual deterioration. In this condition, these dogs can become night-blind. As the condition becomes worse, the canine might lose vision in both eyes altogether.

Many canines easily adapt to their surroundings even after vision loss.

3. Diabetes Mellitus 

The body of the dog fails to regulate blood sugar and this will be visible in their overall health.

Signs of diabetes include weight loss, increased appetite, and excessive thirst or urination.

4. Hypothyroidism 

Hypothyroidism refers to the problem caused by the thyroid gland.

Signs of hypothyroidism

  • Pyoderma
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Lethargy
  • Obesity
  • Alopecia
  • Epilepsy

This condition is treated with diet and medication.

5. Samoyed hereditary glomerulopathy

This disease affects the kidney. The condition is bad in males. Renal failure happens by the time these dogs reach 1.3 years of age.

Females seldom suffer renal failure. Unfortunately, the lack of a test for this disease increases the risk of this condition.

6. Hip Dysplasia

In this condition, the thigh bone fails to fit accurately into the dog’s hip joint. Some canines may display signs of lameness and pain.

Dogs suffering from this condition should not be actually bred. Talk to your breeder and ask for proper papers.

7. Glaucoma

When the pressure builds up in your pet’s eyes, it could lead to a condition called glaucoma.

Signs of glaucoma include-

  • Pain in the eye
  • Partial or complete loss of vision
  • Eye irritation
  • Watering of the eyes

The vet will examine the pet and decide the right course of treatment. Depending on the condition, the vet may suggest eye drops or go for surgery.

If you are in search of a puppy, find a suitable breeder. Never rush your decision.

Samoyed Names

The “Smiling Samoyed” absolutely embraces the gift of nature. Mainly used for comforting humans at night, pulling sleds, and herding reindeer, Sammies have always been an excellent friend.

Sammies are ancient dogs that have been part of the Samoyed tribe for a long period of time.

Choose a name that reflects the dog’s elegant appearance and attitude. The history of this dog breed is rich and deep and there are plenty of names available for this lovely white dog breed.

Before you pick a name, check your dog’s personality.

This will help you to zero in on the right name for your pet.

Male Samoyed Puppy Names

  1. Karol – “Strongly”
  2. Karik – “The most powerful ruler”
  3. Gennady – “Compassionate”
  4. Geni – “One who comes from a noble lineage”
  5. Fedor – “God’s gift”
  6. Evgen – “A born good person”
  7. Damir – “Provider of peace”
  8. Czar –  “A born king”
  9. Bogdan – “God sent person”
  10. Sergey – “A saint’s name”

Female Samoyed Puppy Names

  1. Shasha – “One who defends men”
  2. Antosha – “Invaluable”
  3. Duscha – “One who exists in the soul”
  4. Dasha – “God’s priceless gift”
  5. Natasha – “Born on X’ mas day”
  6. Oral – “Means eagle in Russian”
  7. Lev – “Lion”
  8. Lada – “God of love and spring”
  9. Anichka – “Grace”
  10. Dinara – “Breath”

Samoyed Price

At present, there are few shelter or rescue exclusively dedicated to this breed. These dogs are not for a light-hearted.

Most purebreds are fairly priced and the average price of a Sammy is between $600 and $2000 USD.

But, dogs from superior lineage may cost $2500 USD onwards.

How the price is determined for a puppy?

There are several factors that influence the price of a puppy. These include –

  • Breeder business ethics
  • Location of the breeder
  • Color
  • Quality of the breed
  • Age
  • AKC registration

Samoyed Mix

Some of the popular crossbreeds include Samoyed husky mix (Samoyed x Siberian Husky), Samoyed poodle mix (Samoyed x Poodle), and miniature Samoyed.

Samoyed Breeders in America

Click Here for Samoyed breeders in America


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